Friday, January 25, 2013

Hillary Clinton's Glass Ceiling

Watching the Congressional hearings the other day, Secretary of State,
Hillary Clinton shouted " the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk last night who decided to kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?
Congressman Johnson later took issue with Clinton’s claim and said:“We were misled to believe that there were supposedly protests and that an assault sprang out of that and that was easily ascertained that that was not the fact… and the American people could have known that within days.”
It matters because the President and his staff and the Liberal news media "lied" to the American Voters and continued to perpetuate the lie by saying that "Al Qaeda has been decimated"
during the Election campaign.

It is obvious, that President Obama controls the State Department actions because Obama campaigned endlessly on bin Laden's death, citing the end of Al Qaeda;

 just as,
Al Qaeda was attacking Benghazi and killing Ambassador Stevens and the others.
 It was Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans on foreign soil
who were dealing with the 'real world' of Al Qaeda
while President Obama was fabricating his own world of 'end of Al Qaeda' with a film director on the death of bin Laden.
It was Obama's call to get Al Qaeda and keep Americans safe in foreign countries; instead of  focusing on film directors who make movies about Al Qaeda, including the one he jailed, falsely accusing him for the Benghazi attack.

When I was working in an office, I would hear some men say, "It's not a problem, now. Don't worry about it. We will fix it later."
I would reply, as a mother would, "Prevention is the solution because you can't fix a dead child."

Where was the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, when Ambassador Stevens and his colleagues were in danger and begging for reinforcements. 
Where were Hillary Clinton's motherly instincts? The one who wrote a book called, "It Takes a Village." raise a child. Where was her ' 3 AM'  White House Phone Call that she promised to answer when she would be President?

It became President Obama's 3 AM call. Was Secretary of State Clinton following President Obama's 'end of Al Qaeda' foreign policy?

There are many women who want to shatter the glass ceiling. Once you get to that level you are high enough for all to see what you have become.

Hillary has been sitting under the glass ceiling…under her husband, under President Obama
for so long, I think she forgot how to be a caring person who would have prevented the Benghazi attack...who would have answered that 3 AM call and taken a village to get them out.

She, instead, helped President Obama, like she helped her husband to tell a lie, win an election.

That the White House continued to perpetuate an untruth to the voters about the evidence; in order to win an election..."What difference at this point does it make? "
When she is close enough to the glass ceiling, to see just how far she has fallen from it, by aiding and abetting those above it, who have kept her from breaking through it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Controlling "Guns": Absurdity In Perspective

     One of the Sandy Elementary teachers who had no weapon to defend herself or her students, used her body to protect her students. She is dead and so are her students.   

   Some people freaked out when I suggested teachers    have guns.

   Insanity, according to Einstein, is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.
   Connecticut, like most financially strapped states, cut Mental Health Programs while Strengthening their Gun Laws;
 as if,  those previously,  Lone,  Mentally Disturbed young men who slaughtered innocent people in the schools, mall and theater didn't leave a clue that it was mental illness that picked up the Gun?   The first solution would have been for the Sandy Elementary School to have helped the single, divorced Mother with a mentally ill child Before he became a mentally disturbed adult; after all, the reporters kept saying it's a "close knit community".

According to the Aunt, her murdered sister, was embattled with the school and shunned because of her son's mental condition leaving the mother to "home school" him.  End result: She provided the guns and Hollywood provided the entertainment of violence from movies and video games
                      …it is the"absurdity of it all."

   Yes, guns scare me. Especially, when I am around strangers shooting them off all around me on a firing range; but I would be more afraid, if I were completely helpless. How would you fight against a gun without a gun? A bow and arrow? 

  I am for gun control on semi-automatics, but I want to   have the "Keys" to the National Arsenal, just in case;
                        purchased by American taxpayers when American allies ruled Egypt
                       – will still be delivered despite the fact that the
                     "Fast and Furious": Obama's Administration allowed thousands of American
                      illegal assault weapons to be bought by Mexican Criminals; thinking
                      that they could track the guns to the crime.
     In the meantime, the criminals used the guns to kill hundreds of innocent Mexican citizens and an American drug agent. If the agent had not been killed, Americans may not have known how the Obama Administration was actually "trafficking" illegal guns across the border to our ENEMIES!
                  The "absurdities" don't stop here.
    What about the schools? A neighbor's son would come home from school drugged up because that's where he got the drugs. That school is called the "Pharmacy" by the students. When it was "suggested" that there should be a community meeting to discuss the "drug problem" in the school, the Principal was against the meeting. He said that to bring attention to the drug problem in the school would suggest to parents that the school has a drug problem.

   As a society we are numb to Violence. There are 60,000 plus dead Syrian people streaming across our big screen TV; as if, its an action movie, while we sit on our couch eating popcorn.

Absurdity In Perspective

1) Illegal drugs in schools easily available to students   
                              2) Our own Government Eliminating Mental Health Programs that provide drug Management and Support to the Mentally Ill

                              3) Our own Government trafficking guns to unsavory people and giving the really big guns to untrustworthy Governments

                              4) Our own Government trying to Restrict weapons to Law Abiding Citizens
                              5) Streamlining Violence across the Internet and Television creating an environment of acceptance for violent behavior
                              6) Acceptance of mass killings and genocide by Government Authorities

                              7) Our own Government allowing 4 Americans to Die in Benghazi because they"refused to use" Defensive Firer Power when we had a 100 times the weaponry of our enemy in the region.
In comparison to all of these Violent, Illegal and Dangerous "acceptable"behaviors by Governments and Society;                                                                         
Is it absurd to train teachers to handle a gun, instead of, using their "bodies" to protect the children against a gun?
    Considering what is "acceptable" by our government and society:
                              Yes, it would be Absurd!
Agatha Kerry