Monday, October 26, 2015

America's Future: Capitalism vs Socialism

If you like a Liberal Socialist society (or for that matter; a Communism, Fascism society) where your wealth is taken from you and divided among many; than move to those countries in Europe or Asia where you have "less freedom."

Let me begin by noting that there is a growing concern for 'free speech'  in America that is being threatened by a small group of people who are called, illiberal, supported by most Democrats and Liberals because they are in line with their ideology of taking an individual's freedom away by government force.
as I had mentioned in an earlier blog...
" Kirsten Powers, the Liberal who wrote The Silencing, sites a group of people on the far Left Liberal spectrum, called illiberal. 

Illiberals can’t relate to a person’s individual freedom of having a disagreeing point of view; specifically, contrary to their point of view.
What is troubling to most 'freedom minded" Capitalist Conservatives or Libertarians is the controlling “mindset” of the illiberals over the mainstream media.   
Can you imagine a group of people who, by using the mass Liberal mainstream media, ’can’ demonize and destroy a person’s entire character
just because they “disagree” with them? 
Then imagine this same group of Democrats, Liberals, and or Progressives, tainted with illiberal's policing, under a “Socialist” government that would “control” what people do and say.

Under an American Democrat Socialist Presidency and Congress
you are promised “free stuff.”
In reality, you paid for it with your earned tax dollars.
Or someone else's taxes paid for it, other than the government.  
The government “has no money.” 
It fact, you are paying the government.
They are suppose to work for you.

Socialism allows a "few" elected government people to take control over the citizens who elected them.
The elected minority form a bigger government of citizens ( basically an army) who control the majority of citizens by using the majorities money (taxes).
Remember the days of Medieval when the (minority)Lords taxed the (majority) Serfs into poverty?

Capitalism in America, on the other hand, was intended, by our forefathers, to allow the “people” to control the government: less taxes collected, means
less government; less control of the people.

More Individual freedom. 

After 7 years of Obama's Democrat Socialist Policies or “bigger government,
Obama has divided and separated the poor from the rich using divisive policies; making him and his friends richer. Under government control
using taxpayer money, both Hillary and Bill Clinton, as "government employees" were able to amass a fortune using their government connections to create a Billion dollar nonprofit organization with a couple of mansions on the side? 

Regulations and laws fly fast and loose for the people in control of the government.
We hear repeatedly, “the rules don’t apply to Hillary ” or any other top government official and their agencies under the Obama Administration
who never fire their employees who support them 100% against anyone
against them
using your tax dollars..possibly against you
if you disagree with the “ruling power." 
This same Democrat party gives illiberals power to control 'free speech' against the corruption of this same government.

This would be Socialism in America if it continues down this road. It is

The Black communities voted for a Black president because they thought they were Obama's “favorite.” A Black President who "promised" to give them "free stuff."  He preyed on their 'blackness.' 
President Obama broke his promise to the Black communities after they elected him. He took their tax dollars and left them defenseless against poverty and crime. 
Today, NOT ONE WORD out of President Obama for the poverty, crime and deaths in Black communities under his Socialist policies that is destroying them.
Another Socialist Democrat "lie:" color of skin matters.

There will always be winners and losers. 
A Capitalist government does not choose winner and losers. 
Today the Middle Class and the Poor are poorer. The Rich are richer because Obama has been picking the winners and losers for the last 7 years under his "distributing the wealth" policies. 

The Middle Class and Poor don't "elect" to be poor. 
They are destined to be poor under Socialism when their money is 
taken from them. 
They may get "some free stuff" but only enough to pacify 
them into servitude to the government. 

Under Obama's Socialist policies, there is still poverty, homelessness, hunger while President Obama takes 2 and 3 family vacations per year which is estimated to have cost the taxpayers over 22 Million dollars. Winners and Losers still exist under Socialism. 

The National Debt is over $18 TRILLION dollars.
Just imagine. under the Democrat's Socialism plans, to give the government “more” tax dollars to mismanage. 
You will have less money in your pocket to survive the coming government bankruptcy after they finish distributing "your money" to all their friends and pet projects. 
The way it stands today, giving more money to the government via tax dollars, would be gambling a life savings away on a bet that the President and politicians will think of “you” first and their friends and family last when it comes time to distribute the wealth. 

As private citizens, under a Capitalist run government, the Black communities could have kept ‘most’ their tax dollars and fixed their own communities without relying on a corrupt, lying President and Congress who distributed tax dollars to their own pockets. 

I cannot say it enough that a Capitalist America was established by our forefathers, giving the power to the people, not to the government.
The more money a private citizen can keep in his pocket, the more power he has over the government. 

Capitalism America exists because people left Europe and Asia to have more "Individual Freedom" than what the European and Asian countries offered; 

If you like a Socialist society where your wealth is taken from you and divided among many; than move to Denmark, Sweden, France. If you want your freedoms completely taken from you; than move to Russia, Iran, or China.

Capitalism in America is the land of opportunity for individuals. All Countries are not created equal or governed the same.
There are many government choices around the world that are best for every individual.  Which one do you want?  MOVE there! 

America's Debate: Capitalism vs Socialism

If you like a Liberal Socialist society (or for that matter; a Communism, Fascism society) where your wealth is taken from you and divided among many; than move to those countries in Europe or Asia where you have "less freedom."

Let me begin by noting that there is a growing concern for 'free speech'  in America that is being threatened by a small group of people who are called, illiberal, supported by most Democrats and Liberals because they are in line with their ideology of taking an individual's freedom away by government force.
as I had mentioned in an earlier blog...
" Kirsten Powers, the Liberal who wrote The Silencing, sites a group of people on the far Left Liberal spectrum, called illiberal. 

Illiberals can’t relate to a person’s individual freedom of having a disagreeing point of view; specifically, contrary to their point of view.
What is troubling to most 'freedom minded" Capitalist Conservatives or Libertarians is the controlling “mindset” of the illiberals over the mainstream media.   
Can you imagine a group of people who, by using the mass Liberal mainstream media, ’can’ demonize and destroy a person’s entire character
just because they “disagree” with them? 
Then imagine this same group of Democrats, Liberals, and or Progressives, tainted with illiberal's policing, under a “Socialist” government that would “control” what people do and say.

Under an American Democrat Socialist Presidency and Congress
you are promised “free stuff.”
In reality, you paid for it with your earned tax dollars.
Or someone else's taxes paid for it, other than the government.  
The government “has no money.” 
It fact, you are paying the government.
They are suppose to work for you.

Socialism allows a "few" elected government people to take control over the citizens who elected them.
The elected minority form a bigger government of citizens ( basically an army) who control the majority of citizens by using the majorities money (taxes).
Remember the days of Medieval when the (minority)Lords taxed the (majority) Serfs into poverty?

Capitalism in America, on the other hand, was intended, by our forefathers, to allow the “people” to control the government: less taxes collected, means
less government; less control of the people.

More Individual freedom. 

After 7 years of Obama's Democrat Socialist Policies or “bigger government,
Obama has divided and separated the poor from the rich using divisive policies; making him and his friends richer. Under government control
using taxpayer money, both Hillary and Bill Clinton, as "government employees" were able to amass a fortune using their government connections to create a Billion dollar nonprofit organization with a couple of mansions on the side? 

Regulations and laws fly fast and loose for the people in control of the government.
We hear repeatedly, “the rules don’t apply to Hillary ” or any other top government official and their agencies under the Obama Administration
who never fire their employees who support them 100% against anyone
against them
using your tax dollars..possibly against you
if you disagree with the “ruling power." 
This same Democrat party gives illiberals power to control 'free speech' against the corruption of this same government.

This would be Socialism in America if it continues down this road. It is

The Black communities voted for a Black president because they thought they were Obama's “favorite.” A Black President who "promised" to give them "free stuff."  He preyed on their 'blackness.' 
President Obama broke his promise to the Black communities after they elected him. He took their tax dollars and left them defenseless against poverty and crime. 
Today, NOT ONE WORD out of President Obama for the poverty, crime and deaths in Black communities under his Socialist policies that is destroying them.
Another Socialist Democrat "lie:" color of skin matters.

There will always be winners and losers. 
A Capitalist government does not choose winner and losers. 
Today the Middle Class and the Poor are poorer. The Rich are richer because Obama has been picking the winners and losers for the last 7 years under his "distributing the wealth" policies. 
The Middle Class and Poor don't "elect" to be poor. 
They are destined to be poor under Socialism when their money is 
taken from them. They may get "some free stuff" but only enough to pacify 
them into servitude to the government. 

Under Obama's Socialist policies, there is still poverty, homelessness, hunger while President Obama takes 2 and 3 family vacations per year which is estimated to have cost the taxpayers over 22 Million dollars. Winners and Losers still exist under Socialism. 

The National Debt is over $18 TRILLION dollars.
Just imagine. under the Democrat's Socialism plans, to give the government “more” tax dollars to mismanage. 
You will have less money in your pocket to survive the coming government bankruptcy after they finish distributing "your money" to all their friends and pet projects. 
The way it stands today, giving more money to the government via tax dollars, would be gambling a life savings away on a bet that the President and politicians will think of “you” first and their friends and family last when it comes time to distribute the wealth. 

As private citizens, under a Capitalist run government, the Black communities could have kept ‘most’ their tax dollars and fixed their own communities without relying on a corrupt, lying President and Congress who distributed tax dollars to their own pockets. 

I cannot say it enough that a Capitalist America was established by our forefathers, giving the power to the people, not to the government.
The more money a private citizen can keep in his pocket, the more power he has over the government. 

Capitalism America exists because people left Europe and Asia to have more "Individual Freedom" than what the European and Asian countries offered; 

If you like a Socialist society where your wealth is taken from you and divided among many; than move to Denmark, Sweden, France. If you want your freedoms completely taken from you; than move to Russia, Iran, or China.

Capitalism in America is the land of opportunity for individuals. All Countries are not created equal or governed the same.
There are many government choices around the world that are best for every individual.  Which one do you want?  MOVE there! 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Democrats Socialism Debate

I couldn't bring myself to watch the Democrats "Socialist" Debate on CNN this Tuesday.  I must be clairvoyant, as I predicted it would be bias and therefore, boring. I won’t even go into how all the other Liberal,
Progressive, Socialist candidates seemed terrified of Hillary Clinton, especially Bernie Sanders. They must be terrified of the "illiberal." 

Kirsten Powers, the Liberal who wrote The Silencing, sites a group of people on the far Left Liberal spectrum, called illiberal. 

   “In The Silencing, Kirsten Powers, herself a proud liberal—but from a far more tolerant Jeffersonian tradition
—exposes the illiberal left. In The Silencing, you’ll learn:
Why the illiberal left has become an Orwellian “big brother,” policing what it deems acceptable speech and opinions....
How illiberal colleges and universities limit freedom of expression to tightly regulated “free speech zones”.....How “truth” matters little to the illiberal left, for whom ideology is everything.
 Kirsten Powers chronicles this troubling trend in perhaps the most important—and chilling—political book of the year."

What controlling “mindset” over the masses do the illiberal, Democrats, Progressives, and Liberals have that they can’t relate
to a person’s individual freedoms where everyone has a point of view that is not censored by one group of people or a government. 

Can you imagine a group of people who, by using the mass Liberal mainstream media, ’can’ demonize and destroy a person’s entire character
just because they “disagree” with them?

Then imagine this same group of Liberal, Progressive people wanting a “Socialist” government that would create large bureaucratic
government agencies to “control” what people do and say.  

Remember the Medieval days of Lords and Serfs. Lords taxed the serfs into poverty.  Keep that in mind.

Under Socialism you are not getting “free stuff.” You paid for it with your taxes. The government “has no money.” 
It fact, you are paying the government. They are suppose to work for you.

After 7 years of socialist policies or “bigger government under the Democrats, it seems that it is 
dividing and separating the poor from the rich using divisive policies and behavior;
just ask Hillary and Bill Clinton how that worked out for them while working under the Socialist policies of the Obama Administration?
What other couple has worked for the government and used their government
connections to create a Billion dollar nonprofit organization with a couple of mansions on the side? 

Regulations and laws fly fast and loose for the people in control of the government.
We hear repeatedly, “the rules don’t apply to Hillary ” or any other top government official and their agencies under the Obama 
Administration who never fire their employees who support them 100% against anyone against them…using your tax dollars..possibly against you
if you disagree with the “ruling power,” even if they are corrupt. 

This would be Socialism in America.  Socialism allows a few elected government people to take control over those who elected them.
They form a bigger government by collecting taxes. (You become their serf)

Capitalism in America, on the other hand, was intended, by our forefathers, to allow the “people” to control the government; less taxes means
less government; less control of the people.
More Individual freedom. 

I can see an immature, naive two year old being controlled by his parents, but when he grows up and becomes an adult, does he go brain dead?
The government becomes his parents?
Even parents have a favorite child; the government have favorite groups; among the Democrats are the out of control illiberal. 
The deteriorating Black communities have higher crime today than yesterday.
Those same Black communities voted for a Black president because they thought they were his “favorite.”

The Black communities are still poor with the highest number of “unemployment and crime.” 
Most the Democrats, including Hillary Clinton talked about Government spending more money by taxing the rich and giving it to the poor.
They call it ‘distributing the wealth.’ Obama has been doing that for the last 7 years; taxing more, spending more, creating a bigger government.
The hard working middle class are stagnant. The poor are poorer…. Who is getting all that distributed money?  

If those tax dollars were left in your bank, instead of giving it to the government, you would not be asking that question.

Giving someone more power over you; leaves you with less power over your own life. Big Government is never a good idea!

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton want “more of Obama’s Socialist policies” making the American government more
like Sweden’s and Denmark’s which are based on
government control over the lives and choices individuals make for themselves; 
aka, Socialism. 

                        Let’s Put This Into Perspective

The people who are so excited about Socialism in America

must think that Washington D.C; aka our Government,

is capable of managing and controlling  50 ‘Socialist’ states which would 

equate to 50 Sweden(s) and or 50 Denmark(s). 

It would be a “no brainer” that  50 States under Socialism would equate to the largest government (take over) controlled country in the world. This would also give greater power and control to one person, the President. 

Today America has poverty, homelessness, hunger. Some sitting along our capitol city streets, the richest area of government spending in the USA.
Where is all that Washington D.C government money going? 

Today the US government cannot manage its own National Debt which is over $18 TRILLION dollars. 
Just imagine if you give the government “more” tax dollars to mismanage. 
You will have less money in your pocket to survive the coming government bankruptcy after they finish distributing "your money" to all their friends and pet projects. 

Remember the poorer Black communities were not among these pet projects.
Ask the Black communities where their money went. As private citizens, the Black communities under a Capitalist run government, could have kept ‘most’ their tax dollars and fixed their own communities.  

We know Obama and Clinton have private jets. They are “government employees” working “for the people.”
You would think that if they are working “for the people” the people would be the ones with the private jets.  

I cannot say it enough: 

America was established by our forefathers, giving the power to the people, not to the government. Creating a Capitalist society. 

Capitalism: The more money a private citizen can keep in his pocket, the more power he has over the government. 

Socialism: The less money a private citizen keeps, giving it to the government (taxes), disappears into the government bureaucratic system without any accountability. 

Giving more money to our government via your tax dollar, the way it stands today, would be gambling your life savings on a bet that the Washington D. C. politicians will think of “you” first and their friends and family last when it comes time to distribute the wealth. 

Ask the Black communities in Chicago how well that worked for them under Democrat socialist policies over the years, that taxed them to death, literally, leaving them poorer. They are dying in the streets by the hundreds because of gang wars. Not a peep out of President Obama on the deaths. Not one word because it's Democrat Socialist polices that are killing them. Their disappearing tax dollars probably helped fund the $22 million plus for President Obama's personal family vacations. So much for 'distributing the wealth' among the Democrat Socialists.  Google it.  It's not rocket science. 

If you like a Socialist society where your wealth is taken from you and divided among many; than move to Denmark, Sweden, France. 
America is the land of opportunity for individuals. All Countries are not created equal or governed the same. 
We are, all, not the same, and neither is America; like Europe.
America exists because people left Europe to have more "Individual Freedom" than what the European countries offered.