Thursday, June 3, 2010


Do you ever feel that your brain is total mush when listening to the political talking heads giving pros and cons on an issue.
Sometimes when I hear one side, I agree; then I hear the opposing side; and I agree. Especially when I have no clue of what they are talking about.

The good news is that at least I am open. I was going to say open "minded" but I would have to have a mind.

I did not like Bush, the Republican; and I do not like Obama, the Democrat, so I have canceled myself out. 
I have come to the conclusion that each issue stands alone; neither to the right or left of political fodder.

Having listened to the talking heads about the attack by Israel on the Turkish ship coming into the Gaza Strip;
it  boils down to ethnic and religious intolerance. I understand the Israelis being upset having a ship come into the area that could be carrying weapons; especially when that ship refused to be inspected before landing.
I understand the Turks thinking they have a right to land first before being attacked in International waters; but we all know they did not want an inspection no matter where it was.
On the other hand, I don't think the Israelis and the Arabs will ever see eye to eye especially when rogue nations like Iran are allowed to make unsolicited threats.
Since I don't see any hope of either one of them compromising on these issues; I think they should go ahead and destroy each other.

The other religious issue that is in the news: The argument for and against a Mosque being built on Ground Zero, the Twin Towers location. The Muslim say they are honoring the victims,  some of which were Muslims who died in the building. The Christians feel the Radical Muslims caused the destruction and the Muslims have no right to put a Mosque where other religious people have died. That would be like planting a flag of victory in the eyes of some religious groups.

If I wanted to build a Church on desecrated grounds where Muslims died by the hands of radical Christians; and, I was told it would be offensive to the Muslims; I would back off.

The Muslims, going before a city council to argue their point:  "Let me shove this Mosque down your throat, to show you how much I care".

What is their point?

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