Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stock Market Gloom

So here we are in Montana building a house and instead of being interested in the shades of colors of the kitchen; all I can think about is the looming dark cloud I see coming with a financial melt down.
I know little to nothing about finances but I do have a sixth sense for financial disasters. Before the last disaster in 2009, I kept telling my husband and our financial adviser that we needed to put our money in a mattress; that is, take it out of the stock market for the time being. Why did I feel that way? The banks were tanking; all the talking financial heads were talking about gloom and doom. Then it happened like I knew it would. Just like I knew Obama is not mature enough to run a country.

So what is the worry now? Although, Obama's democratic pal James Carville said that Obama has an I.Q. of 160, I realized that 160% of his concentration is centered on his ego. An ego that wants big government. It has nothing to do with spreading the wealth as much as it has to do with spreading Obama's  power; a power that is immature in its slow indecisive responses to major disasters such as the oil spill; the Iranian nuclear threat,and the North Korean threat.  His big pockets of money he greedily takes from tax payers to buy private companies to control.

I am not surprised. As a once "bleeding heart Liberal," I could not see myself voting for a person who only had experience as a community organizer. I could not understand how the liberal media could bash Sarah Palin's experience as a Governor and turn a blind eye to Obama's lack of experience. Worse yet, Obama sat on the sidelines when it came to voting in the Senate as a Senator. It was on record and repeated in the news that he voted "present" a 100 times; instead of nay or yea. It didn't take Einstein to realize that Obama is a talker who will sit on the fence...and so we see it now with the Oil Spill. Two weeks into the spill, Obama, the most powerful person in the world spent all his collateral blaming BP, Cheney or Bush and turned down help from European countries who had thousands of ships who could suck up the oil BEFORE it reached the coastline. It took a genius to make that decision.
What more can I say?

I don't need a high I.Q to understand how corrupt and stupid Obama is for his actions are staring us in the face.  The bankrupting of the country; and therefore the bankrupting of our future.
The Bush tax cuts coming to an end will only increase taxes for those who can create the jobs and for some reason Obama's I. Q. cannot grasp the obvious. The stock market will tank again because there can be no future in a never ending national debt and a growing government only sustained by taxing the only people who can create private jobs.
I have been investing in some gold and I believe cash will be the other save bet in the near future.

How do I know? What's my experience?

A blind man can hear the ticking of the national debt clock.

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