Sunday, July 18, 2010

Let's Communicate

Obviously if I were bold I would be more aggressive and assert myself in every corner of the world and I would be getting responses from everyone in the world. Although, I was freaked when some guy on facebook asked me to be his friend. A perfect stranger whose language I couldn't begin to imagine what country, but definitely Arab. I could tell by all those curlicues.  What do you think I did?

So how bold do I want to be? Bold enough to want others to respond to everything I write (without FEAR of retaliation from me.) I notice it's so easy for people commenting on blog sites of strangers because they know that no one knows them and they can say what they want.  They don't want to be 'Chicken Little' who looked stupid when the sky didn't fall.
I have some friends who are not afraid to disagree with me on anything. It's just their opinion against mine. It's not life threatening.

My take on being open about ones feelings is to be true to oneself without doing harm to others in the process. What do others consider as "harm." Their feelings are hurt?  I must not have any feelings.
Don't get me wrong, I do get mad, but not enough to cut friends out of my life for good, over one issue. Living in America, my limits are not pushed to the extreme. It's not like I live in Iran.

As people living together with different religions, ideas, politics I think we have to communicate those differences with civility while we have government laws to control the diversity in our country.

When a long time, best friend said that she could not talk to me any more because I refused to vote for Obama. She said she thought I was racist.  Well, that came out of the blue. All these years and I never knew her because we did not communicate; we only agreed with each other.
Finally when we did disagree, I thought she was very narrow minded to believe everything CNN or MSNBC said about racism; against everything I had told her for over 30 years.  How easily she forgot what I believed in compared to the propaganda she chose to believe.

We would be at war with each other without strong government laws which are based on our Forefather's Constitution and Bill of Rights which keep people from killing each other over opinions or beliefs. Look what happened when Russia gave independence to Bosnia and Herzegovina; to govern themselves; they did not have the laws set up to protect their differences and they had war.

Unless a country has very strong laws in place to protect all people no matter what differences they have; the country will not survive. People will do as they please; much like what Obama is trying to do now by ignoring our Constitution by placing illegal's rights above the rights of American citizens; thus, the Tea Party revolt to oppose the changes to our fundamental beliefs.

I must have told my friend a hundred times, I was a military brat who lived in the same housing as black people. I never saw a difference, except in color.
I learned in the 4th grade, when I saw a very tiny area of black skin rub off a little black boy, that there was white skin underneath that thin layer.
I thought at that time: Oh! My God, he's white underneath! Before that, I must have thought he was just another crayon in the coloring box; but now he was white with a tan.

I can be discriminating in what I like and dislike about different cultures; the more I learn about them.
I can be discriminating about the laws our country should rule by.  If the person is black, yellow, brown or white, I am free to disagree with them without them calling me racist. Name calling is only fear and ignorance and sometimes, even I get caught up in the 'socialism' fear.

I think some people avoid knowing the truth or even want an in depth analogy of why they feel so bigoted or bias, as if they enjoy having those feelings.  Much like a "sadist and masochist" who rolls in the pleasure of "being beaten to within an inch of their lives." What else could it be?  Fear of changing oneself into the unknown of becoming someone else. That is a scary thought.

Let's communicate. Maybe that fear will go away. Or maybe, it won't. Maybe, it will open a Pandora's Box that not even Pandora could imagine. At any rate, it's only fear of the unknown and that encompasses our entire life, thanks to God.

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