Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thank God the Elections are Over! Off with their heads!

Thank God the Elections are Over!  Off with their heads!
Unfortunately, some heads still remain, but maybe a balance in congress will allow for "cooler heads," but don't hold your breath.
If cool heads don't work; then, gridlock will at least keep government spending down.
I just heard that the Democrats want to "increase" the debt ceiling by 1.9 Trillion, so they won't have to close down the government.  

Closing down the government would probably save 1.9 Trillion.

During the election: I could have guessed a "witch" would not be elected to the Delaware Senate.
Some would-be politicians have good ideas, but say the dumbest things "in public." Then they wonder why they don't get elected. 
You would have expected of all the comments Senator Reid of Nevada made; the one that should have gotten him "Unelected" was:   
        ....." we (congress) created all these jobs"....for you."   
What jobs? Nevada has The highest unemployment rate in the country at 14.4 with the most home foreclosures in the Nation.

Sharron Angle, his opponent, replied:   
    Congress is not suppose to create jobs; Congress creates                   
     policies so the private sector can create jobs."
Then she lost.

Working for the government means government revenue (taxes) pay for your salary and benefits. Government profits come from increased taxes? If Union workers don't pay enough taxes to cover their benefits; they expect Non Union workers to make up the difference and if they don't pay up: We will soon see Unions picketing again; like the French and Greek Union workers: burning cars, destroying property; not caring about their country. Wall street is greedy and so are Unions. They don't have to be rich to be greedy. 
Now we have California woes with Governor Jerry Brown expecting to tax us to pay Union workers who paid to get him elected.  

If I wanted to live in a country that practices socialism or communism; I'd move there. 

All I can say is that it takes a true politician who knows how to use spin to get elected because the non-politicians, such as Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina who have business sense could not pull out of the negative spin coming from their polished political opponents.
On the other hand, not being a politician, what's with Meg having a nonvoting record? Why would a person ever run for political office if they never voted in the past; meaning they never cared? Reminds me when Obama was an Illinois Senator and voted "present" 100 times, instead of Aye or Nay. He should have just slept in, too.

It's politics as usual which is why California, Nevada, Massachusetts and New York are so in debt with their liberal agenda...of taxing and spending. I just read that 
     "-- Federal Reserve unveils $600 billion stimulus plan aimed at improving economy, boosting jobs." CNN.
Like that worked!  Whatever happened to that tunnel for the turtles in Florida? That 3 million dollar stimulus project to save the turtles; never mind about saving mankind...although we can eat the turtles...

I noticed that my vote for marijuana did not pass; not that I care to smoke it since I am not into smoking anything, except salmon.  I did try it once in my youth and found Scotch a better substitute for relaxing.
So while standing at the pharmacy yesterday, I noticed for the second time that they were swamped with orders and could not keep up. Some customers were complaining that they were waiting too long for their prescriptions to be filled.
While marijuana is considered harmful; prescription drugs are hopping off the shelves. 
I said to the pharmacist:  if we legalize marijuana, your customers would mellow out.
Hey Man, whenever it's ready. I'm cool.......Puff Puff 
He chuckled. 

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