Tuesday, May 3, 2011

News closer to home

Closer to home, this week, Kristine finished her needlepoints for friends. She also baked up a few chocolate desserts in school that we give to neigbhors. She is calling different bakeries in New York and California, trying to find an Internship this Fall. 

She is getting positive feedback by reaching out beyond her front doorstep. 

Kristine's Asian needlepoint for her therapist 
Opera Cake with Rum, coffee buttercream she gave to a few neighbors 

Kristine's topsy turvy 5 layer Dobos Torte  cake going to my husband's work.

My husband finally finished his brick walkway for his lemon and lime trees in between bad weather, business and Montana trips. 
It's the engineer and farmer in his blood that must make this kind of work so enticing. 
He said I could help, but I have learned over the years that he could be the death of me.
Too many times he has placed tools or handled equipment that could have seriously injured or killed me. 

You know that rake that's lying on the ground, face up; that happens often; and that's only a minor accident.

My husband's brickwork with sand mortar. A lemon and lime tree.

While running around the house without clothes, the dog starts barking and the door bell rings. I look out the front window to see an unmarked white van with flashing emergency lights. I can't see who's at the front door. I run upstairs and look out the window for a better view...only to see a shadow of leaves reflecting on the front door.  Flowers?
It's our anniversary. My husband sent them while he was in Washington D.C. The note was from my boyfriend: Thanking me for all I have done for him and our daughters. My husband would never write that.

Not stopping there, I also received E-mails, this week, from strangers all over the world: Thailand, Switzerland, Canada.... to congratulate me on my rose pictures that were featured on Webshots.com's 
"Member's Choice in the Rose Gardens section of Home & Garden." 
I didn't know they had "featured" pictures; much less member's who would E-mail me. 
One in particular, from Switzerland sent me a number of E-mails, until I answered him; wanting to be my "photo" friend. 
He has at least a hundred friends already. Some people just like "collecting" friends. 
Maybe, I should stamp a number on my forehead. 

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