Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dying To Be Healthy

 I thought Jack LaLanne was going to live forever. 
In fact, he said he couldn't die because people would want to know why he died when he was trying to set an example of living a long healthy life. 
I believe in some of his principals for a healthy lifestyle; 
and the ones, I believe in, I don't always follow.
He was against dairy products and I eat dairy like it's my lifeline. 
He said, "If it tastes good, spit it out. It's not good for you." Obviously, he did not enjoy eating healthy foods; 
but since his father died of a heart attack at age 58; he was willing to sacrifice eating tasty foods to live longer. 

Eating healthy foods is an acquired taste. It doesn't come naturally.
Now that my husband and I are forced to eat healthier; that is, if we want to see the sun rise; we have limited eating 
some unhealthy foods; such as hot dogs, french fries and red meat.  
Every time we go to Home Depot and smell that greasy burger frying on the grill just outside the entrance, it takes us 
back to the good old days when we were not aware of the health hazards of clogged arteries.
I say, "That smells so good. All that grease." And then we laugh. We lost that "acquired" greasy taste; although, not the love of burgers.  
Occasionally, we will have an organic burger or bison burger.

I agree that processed foods with extra sugar, salt; and other, health destroying additives to natural foods will eventually kill us, including the foods that are genetically engineered.

Whenever I hear the increase in birth defects, ADHD, and Autism
I think it might be mass production of ready-made processed foods. 
I believe that any long term artificial additive to the 
human system can effect a human; one way or the other.

Doctors and Society chastise mothers when they drink alcohol while pregnant. Yet, Society and the medical community don't come down hard enough on the food industry for the same sins
of creating unhealthy conditions by processing 
unhealthy food.

There is a blood test that I heard about that can give you the 
approximate age you will DIE; that is, if you don't get hit by a 
car or get a disease.  It can't determine if you will die healthy 
or decrepit. 

I believe we all have a DNA Time Clock in our body. 

That's why, I believe that George Burns could live to be 100; in 

spite, of the fact, he always smoked cigars and drank 

whisky. That's why, I believe that Bob Hope could live to be a 

100 and his wife,Doris,105. 

In spite, of living healthy and having a DNA Time Clock, a person can always get a disease.

Steve Jobs, Apple genius, ate all kinds of veggie, organic foods during his life. He ended up with cancer anyway.
.."In October 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with cancer,[114]  and in mid-2004 he announced to his employees that he had a cancerous tumor in his pancreas.[115] The prognosis forpancreatic cancer is usually very poor;[116] Jobs stated that he had a rare, far less aggressive type known as islet cell neuroendocrine tumor.[115] Despite his diagnosis, Jobs resisted his doctors' recommendations for mainstream medical intervention for nine months,[6] instead consuming a special alternative medicine diet in an attempt to thwart the disease. According to Harvard researcher Dr. Ramzi Amir, his choice of alternative treatment "led to an unnecessarily early death".[114] According to Jobs's biographer, Walter Isaacson, "for nine months he refused to undergo surgery for his pancreatic cancer -- a decision he later regretted as his health declined."[117] "Instead, he tried a vegan diet, acupuncture, herbal remedies and other treatments he found online, and even consulted a psychic.... 

Even my husband said he would never rely on health foods alone, without surgery or chemo, to stop cancer. 

LaLanne's DNA Time Clock kicked in at age 96.  He probably knew it and refused hospital care.  Although, healthy eating, possibly, prevented him from getting a heart attack like his dad's. His older brother died at 97. Was he on the same diet? 

Steve Jobs died at 56 from a disease, in spite of his health foods; but he refused the medical care he needed that could have prolonged his healthy lifestyle

In spite of all our health consciousness, there is no magic formula for living a longer life; maybe a healthier life; but no guarantee that it will be a diseased free, or injured free, life.

Living healthy will not help us make the correct medical decisions that could save our life; so we can reach our DNA Time Clock.

I think Jack LaLanne reached his DNA Time Clock at 96.
He successfully reached his goal because he lived the way he wanted to live up until the end. 

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