Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Cancer Preventive Story

For those of you who inquired about the
super food vegetable juice ritual..
to the gods...

Cancer is an uncertain disease and
some things work for some, but not others.
When it works, it's a combination of God's Will,
your DNA, and Luck and since
Life is not fair, it takes a desire to live longer...too.

About 8 years ago, my oldest daughter took
me to a person who could see guardian angels around
me. She told me that they said that my husband would become
very ill and that he needed to eat more green
vegetables. She said my guardian angels gave her this
recipe of a concoction of green vegetables to cook,
puree and drink. After stirring my witch's brew for hours,
destroying most the potency of the vitamins through the
cooking process; my husband would not eat it.
I ended up eating it all week long since I
made enough for an army.
The message from my guardian angels,
that was important, at that time, was that my
husband would have a life threatening illness,
and he needed to change his diet.

Shortly afterwards, I saw a documentary about a guy who had
prostate cancer and he was making salads with
his family as a healthy diet alternative. My husband said
that would NEVER be him.
Three years later he
had prostate cancer.

After his surgery, my husband
called Dr. Figtree, a nutritionist,
who lives too far for regular visits, so she
advised him to get his blood tested and
have the results sent to her. She analyzed
his blood and gave him the type of raw
vegetable juice he drinks now.
The juice my husband drank (below) was healthy, but it
did not make the cancer signs (PSA readings)
go away completely as he still had a .01 PSA reading
after 3 years.
She told him to add
the Kale vegetable to his juice and after a couple
of months, his next
PSA reading was Zero...
there is NO scientific proof that Kale
made the difference.

The reason people juice raw vegetables,
is for the highest potency in vitamins.

I, personally, did not go to Dr. Figtree.
I just drink what's left over of my husband's juice. I figure
there are just so many raw vegetables on the face of the planet
that have all the same vitamin combinations.
I also use Green Vibrance, a super food,
as a substitute or

additive to my juice.

You will want to use a straw so it will not stain your

teeth dark green and red.

Try to buy Organic foods and wash in them
vinegar water and soap.
Soap sounds strange, but it's better than getting
Organic raw foods can be just as
dangerous as pesticide foods, I believe,
if you don't wash them properly.

Below are the combination vegetables that
my husband's nutritionist recommended after
analyzing his blood. It's not 100% foolproof, but
a way to get on the path to eating healthier,
feeling better and looking younger.

You will be surprised that once you start
a healthier diet, it will come naturally and your taste
buds will change naturally too.
This is for those of us, like my husband, who may have to be on
death row before we change our habits.

2 large leaves Chard
3 or 4 Kale leaves  (added a few months ago)
2 carrots
2 celery
1 small beet ( or a large beet cut up into 2 or 3 portions)
Slice of ginger root( 1 tablespoon or less depending on your taste)
1 Cucumber
 I small hand full of cilantro ( I add it for flavor, I have no clue if it helps)

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