Sunday, June 24, 2012

Choosing A Leader

Choosing a Leader for our Country 

Following my last blog on "our life experiences," life experience
 alone is not enough; nor just
empathizing with others; if we don't choose
wisely which life experiences to focus on that will bring
about the greater good for mankind.

It's important to evaluate a candidate's religious
 practices because it becomes an indoctrination
into a certain belief and way of life.

We need leaders in
all levels of government and society who will
rise above their life experiences.
The most universal leaders that come to my mind
are Martin Luther King, Jr.,
and Mother Theresa.
Mother Theresa stands out
because she was discriminated against
by her own patriarch church (who pray to
Mary, of all people).
She was not allowed to be a Pope or priest,
although she went into the bowels of the earth to rescue the innocent and hopeless.
We know what kind of leader these people were through
their actions and behavior.

Mitt Romney was born and reared in his faith.
The Mormon church is somewhat of a mystery
since it is relatively new and considered a cult by some.
Whatever the faith, Romney doesn't seem to have
any dead bodies or ghosts in his closet: second wives,
drugs or alcohol, except for pranks. We know because
the Liberals have been through his closet twice.

Some people will say that the Mormon
church did not allow blacks to become priests until 1978;
although discriminatory, it doesn't come close to the
discrimination against women in the Catholic church.
John F. Kennedy, the first Catholic to become President,
the public knew that women were being
discriminated against by the church, even as Kennedy
was being sworn into office.
Being indoctrinated by one's faith, I wonder if the Pope
had been a woman, would Kennedy have felt so powerful
over all those women he screwed.

The Mormon church is similiar to the Catholic
church with its patriarch system. Both religions are
rather frightening to me.

..."Sen. Barack Obama's pastor says blacks should not sing "God Bless America" but "God damn America."

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for the
last 20 years".. ' of his adult life'.." .. ..has a long
history of what even Obama's campaign aides concede
is "inflammatory rhetoric," including the assertion that
the United States brought on the 9/11 attacks with
its own "terrorism."

Yes, we all can agree that Bin Laden hated America for
intruding in his country's politics. It doesn't help to
justify the killing of thousands of innocent people
by blaming America.
There is a positive way to preach (Martin L. King, Jr.) and
a negative way to preach (Rev. Wright).

Candidate Obama was allowed a pass by the liberal news
media when his pastor accused him of dumping him, just to get elected.
It's not illegal to dump your friends or "uncle" as Obama referred to him.
But it does say something about Obama's character.

Discrimination divides people into groups and if the message
is always negative; the problem persists.
When Obama gives "inflammatory"speeches, he pits one
group of people against another:
Black    vs.    White
Rich      vs     Middle class
Private  vs     Public sector (unions)
Conservatives  vs  Women ( war on women)
Illegals Aliens  vs  Legals Aliens or American citizens

Obama might have dumped his pastor, but he did not
dismiss the sermons; as Rev. Wright's rhetoric
still echos through Obama's actions to make groups of
people angry amongst each other.

It's an old tactic that a boss I had used among employees.
Employees were always fighting amongst each
other because of some issue the boss
instigated. This way the boss could "pretend" to
solve the problem he started.

No one talked about polygamy until Romney's Mormon
 polygamy ancestry were exploited by the press.

Obama was never vetted for the Presidency in 2008
because he had all his records sealed from
the public; but now, in 2012, that Obama is being, somewhat
held accountable; it has come to light that Obama's Kenya family
still believes in polygamy. His father was a
bigamist, with a wife in Kenya while married
to Obama's mother.

Both Romney and Obama do not practice polygamy
or bigotry from what we are told.

I am sure both candidates would be polygamists if the law
allowed, since its in their culture.
Since this is a social economical ideology, both candidates
would approach the polygamy issue differently as President.

Romney a businessman, believes in private enterprise
as a solution against bigger government.  He most likely,
would support all his wives on his private income.

On the other hand, Obama, most likely, would have the government
supporting his wives considering his social programs.
Last month Obama developed a chart based on the
life of a 'single, healthy, woman,' under his policies: "the Life of Julia."  
as she goes through life with government assistance
from the age of  3  to 72.   
He should call this program, "Daddy Government's Little Girl."

Life being a paradox of events, we already know that any
candidate striving to reach the highest pinnacle of his political
career; he/she will be dragged through the gutter, first.
Any person with a grain of brain knows the stench will not go
away even after they leave the office.

Keeping in mind that the most qualified
person for the job of President of the United States
will never run for that office.

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