Saturday, March 22, 2014

American Fatigue Syndrome vs Obama Fatigue Syndrome

Americans have"American Fatigue Syndrome" (for war) so I heard
based on a poll. 
I also read: 
Ukraine Pays Price for US Advice to Give up Nuclear Weapons  
"Briefly a nuclear power, Ukraine in retrospect seems to have made a major tactical mistake.
 By giving up its weapons and relying on U.S. protection, the former Soviet republic finds
 itself once again caught in the wheels of history, staring down a Russian invasion. Ukrainian
 legislator Pavlo Rizanenko sums up the Crimea crisis:
 “If you have nuclear weapons, people don’t invade you.”
The United States was instrumental in persuading Ukraine to give up its nuclear stockpile in 1994.
Today America is destabilizing Ukraine by reducing U.S. offensive nuclear capability,
scaling back missile defenses, and giving legitimacy to Russia’s nuclear buildup
through the New START treaty of 2010." 
The 2010 "reset" token button that President Obama
and Sec of State Hillary Clinton gave to Russia for a warmer relationship. 
How is that working?

Polish President Blasts Obama on Missile Defense
"Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski accused the Obama Administration of betrayal,
saying, “Our mistake was that by accepting the American offer of a [missile defense] shield
 we failed to take into account the political risk associated with a change of president.…
 We paid a high political price. We do not want to make the same mistake again.
 We must have a missile system as an element of our defences (sic).
In 2009, President Obama cancelled the deal the U.S. had with Poland and the Czech Republic
 to build an interceptor site and radar that would provide protection of the U.S. homeland
 and allies from rogue ballistic missiles.
It is an American tradition—and not a uniquely
 Republican or Democratic one—to resolutely stand with America’s friends and confront,
 if necessary, those who threaten them.
It was President John F. Kennedy who said,
“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price,
bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the
 survival and the success of liberty.”
"The last several years, starting with the abandonment of the missile defense site,
 President Obama has taken the U.S. down a path that takes a sudden departure from this policy."

I am more concerned about the 5 years of having "Obama Fatigue Syndrome.
" Lack of Intelligent Leadership.
I think this trumps American's fatigue for war and American's
 lack of knowledge on the threat
of Putin, Assad or Rouhani.

The younger generations don't remember, how Hitler took over countries.
Some of us may not have been born,
but our parents lived it and reminded us. Now I am reminding you
that it can happen again; more so today, 
since Pres. Obama is a mentally weaker man compared to
President Roosevelt who took on Hitler with weapons, not words.

It doesn't have to be nuclear weapons, unless
forced. And hopefully, an assassin's bullet will
prevent nuclear insanity by a deranged leader. 

Obama has been appeasing Russia's Putin for years through
disarmament of our Allies; as well, as America which is
decreasing its military while our foes increase their fighting 

Why would anyone think that a man who spent his youth lying
on a beach in Hawaii smoking pot would be strong enough and
disciplined enough to protect anyone, including America?
Obama cannot see through the smoke, even
now, when his brain is slow. He keeps telling us
he is a thinker and it takes time to think.
Basting a turkey takes time. 
It takes minutes to stand by one's moral values and
It takes Obama days and weeks, if that, because he has
no established moral values.
He prefers being on comedy shows, placing March
Madness bets, playing golf; as if he doesn't
have a care in the world that people are suffering.

Mr. President, Rosa Parks didn't fight to get to
the front of the bus, so you could put her in 
the back of the bus.

This president is also trying to disarm American citizens through
gun control laws.  Sound familiar? Take the advice from our
disarmed Allies who trusted President Obama.

Syrian people are still dying. Over 140,000. Obama promised to
punish Assad. Assad is still in power. 
Obama weakened our sanctions against Iran because he feels "talking"
to Rouhani will make them give up their nuclear bomb initiative.
They still have nuclear materials to create a bomb. Obama thinks they are
"honest" Islamic radicals. 
Let me know when you find one.

Once Iran has a nuclear bomb, there is NO talking, just ask Putin
when he charged into Crimea, taking it away from Ukraine.
Ukraine had given up their nuclear weapon because
Obama promised to protect them. Maybe, they should
have ALSO taken notice that President Obama was
given "Lie of the Year" award by the Americans.

Get over "American Fatigue" because you should have
"Obama Fatigue" if you want to keep America strong enough
to fight against countries who enslave people; unless you want to
become the next slave.

America fights for "freedom."
Iran, Russia, Syria leaders are fighting to 'enslave' their people with
limited freedom. They support each other with weapons.

If all these countries, who have the power to limit their citizen's freedom,
also, have nuclear power; what chance has America's freedom,
against these numbers:
Iran, Russia, Syria, China, North Korea?
We would be in a worse situation than Ukraine.

What chance has America's freedom, when you have President Obama
encouraging our Allies to "disarm" themselves against these foes.
Even as I write, our foes are building up their armies
while America is downsizing it's military.

What's your Fatigue Syndrome?  

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