Saturday, April 5, 2014

Obama Will Never Be A Great Leader

The problem with a President who is uncomfortable with his
“blackness tends to act, as if, he is still a slave.

Obama’s relatives were not American slaves. They recently
came from Kenya. So what’s Obama’s problem?
Obama may have “dreams from my father”  who had left his mother
and went back to his homeland of Kenya.
His Kenyan father did not rear Obama.
Obama’s “substitute" fathers most likely came from
slave ancestry, Rev. Wright and others, who influenced him
of their own subconsciousness of slavery.

The differences among Liberal Racist Blacks, such as,
President and Mrs. Obama, AG Holder, Al Sharpton,
Jessie Jackson, Reverend Wright; and the
American Tea Party Patriots, when referring to the past:
Liberal Racist Blacks reflect on the “negatives" of America
during the oppressive years of slavery; whereas,
Patriots reflect on the “positives" of America, after the
oppression of King George.

Oppression only continues with tolerance. 

Rosa Parks knew how to make her life and America a better
place when she acted against a law that discriminated against her.
She could only tolerate so much oppression.
Rosa Parks fought the discriminating law against her.
She rose above discrimination to free herself.

Unfortunately, today, Liberal Racist Black men and women

feel that their opinions are above reproach and call everyone

a "racist” who disagree. They are living behind a

 'facade of equality.’  They are mentally still fighting

 those feelings of being a black slave.

They still have those deep seeded "feelings" of discrimination.

I dare say, their Black enslaved ancestors would be offended by
this "whining" group of Liberal Black offspring who are free
and “privileged” today.

Liberal Racist Blacks are using
their powers to enslave their own brothers and sisters into
believing they are still slaves; thus, the ghetto mentality.
Don't count Rosa Parks among them. 

Common Sense tells us that
if powerful black men used their influence to enable their own people
to be and to think above being a 'slave,' their brothers and sisters
would not be living in ghettos. They would rise
above it.

Question is:
Why are powerful Liberal Racist Black men and women
still enslaving their own kind by constantly reiterating
the days of slavery?

The answer:
Liberal Racist Blacks are not comfortable with their
own blackness.

"...Although the president often rails against income inequality in America,
his policies have had little impact overall on poverty.
A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps,
about 13 million more than when he took office.
The poverty rate has stood at 15 percent for three consecutive years,
the first time that has happened since the mid-1960s..."

President Obama has done everything in his power to
keep Black people down, beholden to their liberal masters
who put them on food stamps and welfare.
He might as well put them back on the Plantation.

Hark back to the days of slavery when slave
masters would not allow
their slaves to read for fear a "smart" slave would
rebel against his master;
President Obama's Attorney General Holder
and NY mayor de Blasio ( married to a Black woman
and has children) are forcing laws on States to keep
Black children from going to Charter schools which
provide the highest level of education in their communities.

“The Department of Justice is taking us to federal court
 to try to impede this program,” Jindal said. “Now, I want
 you to think about this. We’ve got '(Attorney General)' Eric Holder
 and the Department of Justice trying to stand in the schoolhouse
 door to prevent minority kids, low-income kids, kids who
 haven’t had access to a great education the chance to go to
 better schools.”
...Success Academy Harlem 4, whose students boast some of the highest math scores in New York state, faces an uncertain fate in light of Mr. de Blasio’s decision to deny it free space. The school, in operation since 2008, is part of the Success Academy chain, which serves minority and low-income children with impressive results...

Why would Obama and the Liberals allow disruption of higher learning for
low income children? President Obama is keeping the Black communities poor
and uneducated to what end?

Liberal Racist Black who play the "race card," also allow
themselves to be played by their liberal white
masters because they are still slaves in their own
subconscious minds.

President Obama would rather muddle through
the weeds of his mind, defending
his own 'blackness." He is like the father of a family who
repeatedly puts down his children because he doesn't want them
to think they are better; than he feels about himself.
They are not permitted to rise above those feelings of
being a slave, from whence they came. They are not permitted
to dream beyond the oppression when they were free.

Although, Obama has been given the highest office in
the Land which allows him to rise above that feeling of being
a slave, and the feeling of racial discrimination; his Liberal brothers
will not let him forget.
He would have to go against his substitute father's dreams
of slavery to break that psychological block that would free him
and his people.

Maybe this is why President Obama thinks, America is “uppity"
and needs to lead from behind because that is his own mentality.

From Plantation to Ghetto  by August Meier, Elliott Rudwick
"This pioneering work in African American history begins with the
earliest experiences of blacks in the United States and offers
an in-depth account of slavery, post-Civil War urban life,
the place of religion in African American life, political activism,
and the changing occupational and economic status of blacks…”

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