I had used the term "illegal immigrant" initially in this title to differentiate from the already legal immigrants in America who "pledge allegiance" to America, but I realize that some legal immigrant and American citizens, will not pledge their loyalty to America; but to another. Those citizens need their passports revoked.
I heard that the German chancellor recently said that our American forefathers got it right by forcing people who chose to become citizens of a country, must assimilate into the mainstream of that country's culture. Why? In order for a country to survive there can only be one “national” culture that brings all other cultures to the table for the common good of the country and it’s people.
When people of different cultures, living together, are not taught how to live together, they will kill each other. Saddam bin Hussein had three cultures living in Iraq who did not peacefully assimilate: Kurd, Shiites, and the Sunni. He tried wiping out the Kurd who occupied part of Iraq in the North. They were not considered valued citizens, only occupiers.
Although, Saddam Hussein is dead, these groups are still killing each other within their own borders.
The German Chancellor realized their own mistake when they allowed another culture to live in Germany without assimilating; that is, they were not required to learn German, they were allowed to live together in one area, practicing only what they brought with them from their mother country. It was enough separation of the different cultures within the host country to cause minor civil unrest.
There are Americans who believe America is a country that was created by God to be “exceptional.” There is a reason for this attitude and we need leaders, especially a President who believes it, also.
America is the only “super power" that is built from the ground up by "immigrants." We are a "melting pot” of exceptional human beings because of the laws and principles established by our forefathers. These laws and principles were created to strengthen America by including all cultures and races from different countries. History will show that these laws were successful.
When American soldiers first landed in France during WWII, they were still green from having just completed boot camp. The French had been fighting a German army unit that had taken over one of their towns. They could not kick out the German occupying unit no matter how many times they tried. The French balked at the idea that a bunch of American "mutts" could do the job. What they could not do in months of fighting in their own country of inbred nationals; the American mutts of varying cultures kicked out the Germans in that town. Their differences made them stronger. They had fought together side by side in two great world wars to free other cultures from genocide, and free other countries from hostile invasion.
The reasoning for assimilating immigrants into the American mainstream should be taught in every high school in America. America cannot survive without this process. All immigrants must learn English and the United States Constitution; bringing them into the American mainstream will serve a common national interest that serves all people who want to live in the United States.
This does not means ‘taking from, or weakening, one individual to satisfy another. It means educating an immigrant for the sole purpose to integrate them into their new chosen cultural surroundings. To ask "less" is to allow ignorance to penetrate and weaken the United States. What some students in America failed to learn or to be taught in school is that our government ‘once’ insisted that all immigrants, ( and unfortunately, Native Indians) who wanted to live in America, had to “assimilate into the American mainstream which included learning English and the United States Constitution.
Some Americans are privileged to be born in this country, without knowing why they were given so much freedom to express your ‘politically correct’ nonsense. There is a reason it is called 'political' correct; and not 'common sense.' For instance, those who reject "English" as the national language of America only encourage a division among people by language and culture; separating them and weakening the country. We would just become another culturally divided country with ongoing civil wars. For those who think we should have another national language other than English; Spanish is already a national language in another country.
Unfortunately, the consequences of being ignorant is already prevalent among American citizens whose education is being influenced by propaganda, instead of history.
We heard propaganda coming from president Obama and his wife:
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008
“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008
America does not need to "fundamentally" transform or "change our traditions" or "history" especially by someone who has gone to great lengths to legally conceal his college grades from the public. It would be nice to know about his history before he changes America's history.
The President has made it his legacy to destroy what our forefathers made successful for over 230 years?
America is a country with a rich cultural heritage of its own; however young. It does not deny immigrants their cultural heritage when they chose to become American citizens. They have a cultural richness that adds to their new chosen country. Their homes and communities practice and share the best parts of their heritage.
Despite those privilege American citizens who follow President Obama's divisive propaganda, I am hopeful that there will come underprivileged immigrants who would rather be educated, and go the way of our forefathers, by assimilating into the rich American culture through an educational system where they can enjoy the same freedom as all American citizens.
God Bless America
January 27, 2014
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