Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Over Analyzing the Obvious #Obama.

It has been awhile since my last blog, although I have been on Facebook and Twitter  
I have been thinking about writing one while lying on the couch staring at the ceiling wondering how Life can be so screwed up and I am still sane.

I can see the world clearly from Montana through my telescoped view of the world from my kitchen counter television, the safest place to be these days without getting beheaded. 

If one doesn't want to look like a complete ass, one should have full knowledge of ones crusade before one is willing to die for it. 

The most profound thought I have had of late, is that, the world is in chaos without a world leader; and the most powerful leader in the world, that one man, is allowed to destroy all that is good through his own egotistical, narrow minded view of the world. His propagandizing of his delusions being repeatedly analyzed because "some" people cannot wrap their minds around it.

Stop "doubting" your own knowledge and belief through the constant analogy of President Obama's "intentions," and his unwillingness to acknowledge what is real in the world. 

Yes, folks, America has reelected that lazy, pot smoking Hawaiian slacker who said that he likes to be "laid back;" but not so laid back that he cannot be revengeful and destructive.
His "white" mother and grandparents sent him to the best schools, yet he cries "racist" against the white side of his family. Is he not white too? 
He has dreams of his "black," Muslim, deadbeat dad who deserted him. We don't hear him make "racist" comments against the black half of his family.
Yes, parents can screw up their child mentally and permanently, as in Obama's case. 

In reality, it is Obama's delusional view of his dysfunctional family, that he will always be the
pining son for the Islamic father who rejected
him; and therefore, cannot bring himself to
say "Islamic Extremists."

In this light, he finds it easy to con his uneducated followers into believing in his cause that will
destroy them. Islamic Passivity  
Contrary to what he preaches, he is not passive
in his actions when it comes to promoting
Islam while ignoring Christianity. Google it.

Islam is a movement with extreme atrocities. The most severe atrocity is the "silence" of peaceful Muslims and Progressive, Liberal Americans while the Islamic Extremists terrorize the world; beheading, torturing, raping, killing 'unarmed' civilians, including children in the name of Allah. 
Whose Allah is it anyway? Barbarian ISIS? They are 
yelling the loudest.

Obama's mental obsession to pine away for his Muslim dad will never see Islamic Extremists as a real threat; but Americans must and go beyond that delusion; if they want to survive.

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