Monday, August 31, 2015

President Obama Legacy

While reading the meaning of a sociopath, it occurred to me that maybe President Obama actions are more sociopathic than narcissistic. 

"A sociopath  is often well liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually 
care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do.
 They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments. 
….. most reveal their sociopathy through less deadly and sensational means. "    

How else can one explain President Obama’s unemotional behavior when an American Citizen is beheaded. He
and his entourage of advisors, security, and golfing friends went golfing minutes after he announced American journalist James Foley’s head was cut off by ISIS. 
I wondered how he could watch a rolling golf ball go down the green just minutes after announcing the beheading of James Foley.

President Obama was MIA (missing in action) when Ambassador Christopher Stevens was murdered along with 3 other Americans: Foreign Service officer Sean Smith and former Navy SEAL security guards: Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.
They tried saving the Ambassador and died, in light of the fact, that they were told to ‘Stand Down” by their commander; to let the Embassy be taken by the Terrorists...along with Ambassador Stevens and Smith. 

During the "first" attack on the Embassy, the Defense Secretary, Panetta, talked to President Obama for a few minutes. After that short briefing, 
no one, not even Obama’s closest advisors, seem to know where he was all night.
Obama never called in when the “second attack” began that night while
Ambassador Stevens was being dragged through the street and tortured; while Smith, Doherty and Woods were being murdered.

For the same reason he showed no emotions for James Foley, he lacked emotion for the Americans under attack in Benghazi by his absence. 
Their dead bodies were probably still warm
when President Obama boarded a plane that same morning for Las Vegas. It was more important that he not be 'absent' for his  “fundraiser” to make money, in order to win his next “election” in November, 2 months away.  He did win while walking on the dead bodies of American patriots. 
 '...Republicans said they were dismayed that the Defense Department’s top officials and Mr. Obama didn’t speak again over the next six hours, during which two attacks claimed the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens..."

According to heavily “didactic” State Department and White House correspondence, evidence emerged that the “retelling” of the “truth” were in motion, to fix the White House lies about the attack; in order to win the next election.

I went over a list of Obama’s "lack of emotion" items
as he enjoys the title of “President of the United States; Leader of the Free World.” 
President Obama's "don't matter" twitter hashtags:
#BlackLivesDontMatter under the Obama Administration because #BlackCommuntiesDontMatter.

TOTAL:    #InnocentLivesDontMatter 

Now that I have established Obama's lack of emotion, what about his
"disregard for rules and to lie constantly." 

 President Obama is noted for disregarding the Constitution.
He has stated repeatedly:
 “I am president, I am not king. I can’t do these things just by myself.
 We have a system of government that requires the
 Congress to work with the Executive Branch to make it happen.” 

Yet, he ignored his own words and reversed his presidency to a Kingship. 
  1. Obama Administration uses IRS to target conservative, Christian and pro-Israel organizations, donors, and citizens.
  2. In an unprecedented attack on the First Amendment, the Obama Justice Department ordered criminal investigations of FOX News reporters for doing their jobs during the 2012 election year.
  3. President Obama, throughout his Presidency, has refused to enforce long-established U.S. immigration laws. For example . . .”

His EPA (Environment Protection Agency) told the public that they will ignore the Supreme Court’s ruling. They are above the law.

The EPA, tells Americans they are protecting America from “polluters,” at the same time; they polluted the Colorado and New Mexico
rivers with thousands of gallons of
The EPA would fine or jail an average citizen doing the same thing.
Yet, the EPA officials pay no penalty. Taxpayers will pay for their mistakes. No one is fired.

President Obama lied about the Affordable Care Act
by telling the Nation they could keep their doctor.
He preached endlessly that ObamaCare is a great plan; as he gave, unlawful waivers and suspensions to all his political cronies who knew it was a lie. 

A sociopath thinks mainly about himself and often blame others for the things that he does.

To blame others, Obama has to lie because, in truth, it would be his fault. Obama blames everyone else for the corruption in his own Administration.
His excuse for lawless and immoral behavior by him and his agencies is to blame Congress for not giving him enough
"taxpayer money,"to spend, as if, money makes a person moral. 

Keep in Mind, under his leadership, the United States Credit Rating had been Downgraded twice in America's history.  We need a President who can't Balance the National Budget; wanting more money to mismanage. 

He is more concerned about “his” legacy than “the man on the street.” 
        Mr. Obama betrays little urgency about his future.                                                  
        he is preparing for his postpresidency (sic)
        with the same fierce discipline and fund-raising
        ambition that characterized the 2008 campaign
        that got him to the White House..”

Like the Nixon Library that eventually housed the Nixon Tapes that lead to his Resignation, President Obama's Library will need ALL and More of the  'Billion Dollar' price tag that he wants; to display the amount of Non - Transparent "Documents of Corruption" from the Obama Administration unleashed with the Freedom of Information Act by Judicial Watch.

Coming soon to a city near you by freight. 

President Obama’s behavior is sociopathic in nature.
He is ”well liked because of his charm and high charisma. He doesn’t seem to
care about others #InnocentLivesDontMatter. He thinks mainly about himself and often blame others for the things that he does.
He has a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. He seldom feels guilty or learns from punishments. 

What punishment? 

He is in his own sociopathic mindset with the same kind of minds, he "tries" to befriend, but is shunned:  Putin, Castro, Rouhani.  Four peas in a pod. 

Once Obama is out of the White House and his #TeamofSociopathicPropagandists are gone; some leader, with moral values and guts will release the “truth” if it has not been “deleted or shredded."

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