Friday, September 11, 2015

Donald Trump with Absolute Power

Then there is Capitalist Donald Trump, aka “The Donald.” The polar opposite of Socialist, Anti-America President Obama; except for a few human traits; such as, whining, thin skinned, controlling and domineering, or should I say, bullying. 

Money talks and it is talking itself right into the White House. Of all the Republican candidates running for the White House, Donald’s money does all the talking for him. He doesn’t have to please the voters, lobbyists, or a boss to keep his job. He can say what he wants.
The Donald’s earned capital, unlike President Obama's salary, did not come from the taxpayers who are forced to pay politician's salaries. The Donald's salary comes through his own business deals in the free market of trade.

I, also, worry about The Donald's whining and pouting when he is confronted by others, especially women. He reminds me of the child actress
 Shirley Temple  who pouted so much she could not transition into adult movie roles. The Pouting Donald is trying to get into the adult role of President of the United States by “entertaining” the crowd with his exaggerated remarks of "controlling all the governments in the world by taking "China, Mexico, Iran, and Russia tigers by the tail." A Hercules never before witness by mankind. 

The Donald’s behavior, whining and pouting aside, has demonstrated loyalty to "America way of life."  'America way of life' being free to capitalize, individually; in order, to improve ones life; and thus, America.  It is what American patriots want, if we judge, from The Donald's popularity.
He is the capitalistic voice of America vs the socialistic anti-America Obama.

He appears to be the opposite of Hillary Clinton’s Fascist state of mind who changes the rules as she speaks and who says “do as I say, not as I do” when it comes to Government owned E-mails and her foreign negotiated wealth schemes to make millions of dollars at taxpayer expense. 
I would say allegedly, but there is a smoking gun in her 'deleted Emails.'

Under Hillary Clinton's leadership she wants everyone else to share their wealth through her "tax polices" that obviously, have no effect on her wealth.
How else could Hillary have become wealthier while Middle American families are poorer under the same Liberal policies she supports under President Obama; and campaigns on today.

Capitalism is the opposite from the Socialistic views of a Bernie Sandersto give up 90% of an individual's earned wealth to government authority; as if, the government knows how to spend your money better than you do. 
To the uneducated who DON’T GET IT; it’s “your money” used by the government to regulate and control "you."
This kind of government, so far, offers Anti-American policies that Control every aspect of Americans, down to the size of soda they are “allowed” to drink.
Do we, as a Nation, continue down the same path of Government?  This 'Democrat' government with socialistic and progressive actions that eats out the soul of ' America Way of Life? '

Politicians have the power to change the laws because the American citizens give them the power by voting them back into office.

 “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The Donald, too, could also change when in power, being of a 'larger than life' personality. 
I wonder what will happen if The Donald gets as powerful as President Obama and Hillary Clinton?  I would not want to see “you are fired” become “you're executed” when Power becomes Absolute.

Fortunately, we have 16 other Republican candidates running in 2016. They also want what most Patriotic Americans want which is an appreciation for the America Way of Lifemuch like, The Donald, but with cooler heads prevailing.
 Keeping in mind that human nature has a "dark side."

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