Thursday, April 21, 2016

Trump2016 Supporter Remorse Will Come

I woke up thinking that I can see how Hitler came to power. We already know why Putin and other dictators want to control the Media so people are limited to the Facts and only hear propaganda.
The Conservative Media did what any dictator would do. They sold the voters their own propaganda wrapped in a brown paper bag. Voters, not looking at the Facts and I mean the books written and the words coming out of the candidate's mouth repeatedly on video, then something is seriously wrong with the morals of voters who would buy snake oil from a media propaganda machine looking for 'ratings' by pumping up a vile demoralizing person like Trump who openly said to his voters early on, that he could shoot people on 5th Avenue and his supporters would still vote for him. Literally saying that his followers are empty souls without a brain and he is their leader.

Trump tweeted his comment out, first, on the Internet. He repeated it on video just, in case, no one grasped the absurdity that his voters would give him the power of a dictator.

The fact that voters know he said this and still would give a man the power of the highest office and the "authority" to literally have people shot without justice is frightening. They would "agree" to give up all their moral beliefs and intellect to one man.

Is President Barack H. Obama so powerful that he erased the moral souls of Conservatives that they would sink to the lowest levels of humanity, looking for an alternative to save them.

Trust, that their soul can be saved, but not by Donald Trump. A man who repeatedly insults his supporter's intelligence by calling 9/11, a convenience store, 7-11 without batting an eye, never correcting his mistake, and most telling never apologizing. He has said on live television that he has no reason to ask for God's forgiveness.

Before Election Day, Conservatives still have time to ask God's forgiveness for abandoning him for another god who promises them a golden calf for their mortal souls. That is all Trump is offering, illusions of greatness.  He has repeatedly shown he has no moral interest in their souls when he repeatedly demeans decent people, knowing he has his supporter's full support. He is not running for office to save their soul, only the voters can save their soul when they take the 'moral high road of decency,' one that is not offered in a Donald Trump presidency.

Nancy Kerry
April 22, 2016

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