Tuesday, November 27, 2012

President's 'Moral Superiority' Factor

".....There's one final irony worth noting in all of this.Political leaders and political movements convinced of their own Goodness are usually those who need greater, not fewer, constraints in the exercise of power.That's because - like religious True Believers -those who are convinced of their inherent moral superiority can find all manner to justify even the most corrupted acts on the ground that they are justified by the noble ends to which they are put,or are cleansed by the nobility of those perpetrating those acts...." 

Following: excerpts directed at new Government policy
that extends President's power to kill anyone, including you, without "burden of Proof."

".....Faith v. reason and evidence
It is, for several reasons, extraordinary that so many citizens have been successfully trained to so venerate
 their Party's leaders that they literally believe no checks or transparency are necessary, even as those
 leaders wield the most extremist powers: executing people, bombing multiple countries, imprisoning
 people with no charges, mass monitoring and surveilling of entire communities.
.......It is truly staggering to watch citizens assert that their government is killing "Terrorists" when
those citizens have no clue who is being killed. But that becomes even more astounding when
one realizes that not even the US government knows who they're killing: they're just killing anyone
 whose behavior they think generally tracks the profile of a Terrorist ("young men toting arms in an
 area controlled by extremist groups")...they, in fact, have no idea who they are killing.
In light of all this evidence, to continue
 to blindly assume that unproven
government accusations of "Terrorist"
are tantamount to proof of those accusations
is to embrace the type of faith-based trust that
 lies at the core of religious allegiance and faith
in a god, not rational citizenship. Yet over and
 over, one encounters some form of this dialogue
whenever this issue arises:
ARGUMENT: The US government shouldn't
imprison/kill/surveil people without providing
evidence of their guilt.
But these are Terrorists, and they have to be stopped.
OBVIOUS QUESTION: How do you know they're
Terrorists if no evidence of their guilt has been presented
and no due process accorded?
Ultimately, the only possible answer to that question -
the only explanation for why this definitively authoritarian
 mentality persists - is because people have been so indoctrinated
with the core Goodness of their particular party leader that they
disregard all empirical evidence, and their own rational faculties,
 in order to place their blind faith in the leader they have grown to
love and admire (if my leader says someone is a Terrorist,
then I believe they are, and I don't need to see evidence of that).
One can reasonably debate the extent to which democracy
requires that some degree of trust be vested in the capabilities
 and judgment of whichever political leaders one supports.
 But however far that trust should extend, surely it must stop
well before the vesting of the power to imprison and kill in
total secrecy, far from any battlefield and without any checks
 or due process.
Core principles disregarded in favor of leader-love...….the first and most inviolable rule of government is
 that leaders must not be trusted to exercise powers
without constant restraints - without what we're all
 taught in elementary school are called "checks and balances".
 Here is how Thomas Jefferson expressed this warning
 in the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798:

"In questions of power...let no more be heard of
confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief
by the chains of the Constitution."

..... John Adams said in his
1772 Journal:
"There is danger from all men. The only
maxim of a free government ought to be
 to trust no man living with power to
endanger the public liberty".

When one is taught to relate to a politician
based on a fictitious personal relationship,
one comes to place excessive trust in those
with whom one identifies (the way one comes
 to trust, say, a close family member or loved one),
and to harbor excessive contempt for those one
is trained to see as the villain character. In sum,
 citizens are being trained to view politicians
 exactly the way Jefferson warned was so dangerous:
 "In questions of power...let no more be heard
of confidence in man."
Political factions driven by self-flattering convictions of their own moral superiority -
along with their leaders - are the ones most likely to abuse power.
Anyone who ever listened to Bush era conservatives knows that
this conviction drove them at their core ("you are with us or with the Terrorists"),
 and it is just as true of Obama-era progressives who genuinely see the political
landscape as an overarching battle between forces of Good (Democrats: i.e., themselves)
and forces of Evil (Republicans).
Thus should it be completely unsurprising that Obama
(and his most ardent followers) genuinely believe that
rules are urgently necessary to constrain Republicans
 from killing whoever they want, but that such urgency
ceases to exist when that power rests in the hands of the
current benevolent leader. Such a dangerous and perverse
 mindset is incredibly pervasive in the citizenry, and goes a
long way toward explaining why and how the US government
has been able to seize the powers it has wielded over the last
decade with so little resistance, and with no end in sight...Related articles
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Friday, November 16, 2012


Below is a video on the awareness of the deterioration of our American freedom.  I think we know it in our bones; the signs of a lack of Moral Character in our Leaders that will bring down our Constitution along with the freedoms that we have enjoyed for over 200 years.

Some people were never taught American values or what it means to be an American. Our educational system is broken. The triangle of sustaining our freedom; that which made our Country great from the beginning:  Morality, Faith and Freedom. 

If our Leaders don't have high "moral values" based on their  publicly "known" religious faith; the people who follow them will be in the "dark" as to the direction they are being led.

The Constitution is our guide for sustainable freedom only when followed by moral leadership.

This is a talk given on Sept 13 by Dr. Os Guinness, entitled "A Free People's Suicide: Sustainable Freedom and the American Future".


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Obama's Executive Privileges

                                       Fast and Furious

"Obama invokes executive privilege to protect Eric Holder: Can he do that?"
.."Executive privilege is usually reserved for matters of national security" and "used for White House matters and correspondence.
The White House says it applied the same standards as the Bush and Clinton White Houses did in claiming the executive privilege (Bush claimed it six times; Clinton. 14)" 

..except Clinton and Bush 'executive privilege' orders did not coverup American deaths.

"... critics claim the administration is trying to protect its political appointees, including Holder, while possibly covering up not just a matter of national and international concern butthe  "program, Fast and Furious,"that may have involved US officials breaking the law.. ..But the confrontation has now moved to a new, somewhat unprecedented level, says Mr. Munger, for a presidency that has previously pushed the bounds of presidential power. “It is absolutely a constitutional showdown: an assertion of privilege to be able to ignore a constitutional order by the Congress…

Unfortunately, this "executive privilege" order also keeps the Terry family from knowing the truth about the death of their son.  They will not have closure with this White House coverup.


Now we come to the coverup of Benghazi ..."stonewalling and the complicity of the Big Media in ignoring or downplaying the Benghazi story during the last weeks of the campaign, the Obamaites.."Got Passed"..the post on Nov. 6 without being called to account…"

A President can willfully keep "Justice at  bay" and the ones who re-elect any President, knowingly, has blood on their hands too. 

"...The president says he is keeping Americans informed as we learn the truth. But is that still credible?
When did Obama learn that State was following the Benghazi attack in real time, that camera-carrying drones were over the city that night, that a seven-hour battle was fought, 
that desperate cries for help were being turned down...

Five days after Benghazi, Susan Rice went on five national TV 
shows to say the attack was a spontaneous protest over an anti-Muslim video.

Did the president not know she was talking nonsense? …."

                          The Questions Should Be

If Obama can "lay claim" for his quick action military assault on bin Laden;  why is it,  he "does not lay claim" to the "lack of quick action" in Benghazi's security and attack? 

He keeps telling us that "I will get the people who did this."  
Mr. President, you don't have to look far.. 
for the same reason, you brag about killing bin Laden on your command…
...upon your command...

your inactive military response by " standing  down," 

resulted in  4 dead  American patriots!

Will this be another "Executive Privilege" order to bury the truth, along with the 4 dead Americans? They can line up behind the first dead,  Fast and FuriousUS agent.

How much power should a President have?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Executive Privilege: How Much Power Does A President Have?

Most American Presidents have used their position to "abuse" the power of the Office of the Presidency. I think this practice of abusing power is as old as mankind; I would say civilization, but there is nothing civil about abuse.  

John Adams wanted to stop the news media from printing anything against the government. An abuse of the 1st Amendment.
Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)
In 1798 the United States stood on the brink of war with France... The Sedition Act made it a crime for American citizens to "print, utter, or publish . . . any false, scandalous, and malicious writing" about the Government.
The laws were directed against Democratic-Republicans, the party typically favored by new citizens, and the only journalists prosecuted under the Sedition Act were editors of Democratic-Republican newspapers 
..Sedition Act trials, along with the Senate’s use of its contempt powers to suppress dissent, set off a firestorm of criticism against the Federalists and contributed to their defeat in the election of 1800, after which the acts were repealed or allowed to expire....
Twenty-five American citizens were arrested under the Sedition Act. Among them was a Congressman who was convicted and imprisoned for calling President Adams a man who had "a continual grasp for power."

                                     Executive Privilege

"Obama invokes executive privilege to protect Eric Holder: Can he do that?"
.."Executive privilege is usually reserved for matters of national security, ..also is used for White House matters and correspondence.
The White House says it applied the same standards as the Bush and Clinton White Houses did in claiming the executive privilege (Bush claimed it six times; Clinton. 14). ..

... critics claim the administration is trying to protect its political appointees, including Holder, while possibly covering up not just a matter of national and international concern but a program that may have involved US officials breaking the law.. ..But the confrontation has now moved to a new, somewhat unprecedented level, says Mr. Munger, for a presidency that has previously pushed the bounds of presidential power. “It is absolutely a constitutional showdown: an assertion of privilege to be able to ignore a constitutional order by the Congress…

Unfortunately, this "executive privilege" order also keeps the Terry family from knowing the truth about the death of their son.  They will not have closure.


Now we come to the coverup of Benghazi ..."stonewalling and the complicity of the Big Media in ignoring or downplaying the Benghazi story during the last weeks of the campaign, the Obamaites.."Got Passed"..the post on Nov. 6 without being called to account…"
A President can willfully keep "Justice at  bay" and the ones who re-elect any President, knowingly, has blood on their hands too. 

"...The president says he is keeping Americans informed as we learn the truth. But is that still credible?
When did Obama learn that State was following the Benghazi attack in real time, that camera-carrying drones were over the city that night, that a seven-hour battle was fought, 
that desperate cries for help were being turned down...

Five days after Benghazi, Susan Rice went on five national TV 
shows to say the attack was a spontaneous protest over an anti-Muslim video.

Did the president not know she was talking nonsense? …."

                          The Questions Should Be

If Obama can "lay claim" for his quick action military assault on bin Laden;  why is it,  he "does not lay claim" to the "lack of quick action" in Benghazi's security and attack? 

He keeps telling us that "I will get the people who did this."  
Mr. President, you don't have to look far.. 
for the same reason, you brag about killing bin Laden on your command…
...upon your command...

your inactive military response by " standing  down," resulted in 4 dead 
American patriots!

Will this be another "Executive Privilege" order to bury the truth along with the 4 dead Americans? They will be lining up behind the first dead US agent.

How much power should a President have?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Election: Obama's Second Term

During the election, I decided to take a break from politics and watch a movie.  I just happened to be watching a series about the MEDICI family history that took place during the 14th Century Renaissance period. It started out with the baptism of a baby and everything it took for that baby to come to power. Assassinations of rivals and corruption at the highest levels to keep power…then my husband called me from Saudi to say Barack Obama won the election ..and my first thought was…history repeating itself..

 Mitt Romney, the "Love of America" guy  vs   Obama the "Revenge" guy.

I thought about all the murders during the Obama Administration:
Fast and Furious, the Executive Privilege order to cover it up.
The Benghazi murders of 4 Americans 
swept under the rug by the Liberal media and Obama.

What Executive Privilege order will there be this time?

Then, I thought about the Medici family and the blood on their hands in order
to stay in power.

I thought about the Black Panthers and NAACP  thugs  at
the polling booths intimidating voters.
The lawlessness of their actions reported and ignored
by the voting supervisors.

"in the battleground state of Ohio: An election official confirms
 that the Hamilton County Board of Elections removed two election judges
 for allowing unregistered voters to vote."

 but not after they allowed thousands of illegal votes to be cast.

Every Second term President feels they have the authority to do as they please without approval from their supporters. Just like President W. Bush disappointed many of his supporters during his Second term "which provoked the longest period of low and downward-trending approval ratings on record"

But because Obama was allowed to disappoint his supporters
during his First term, I cannot even imagine what he will do
in his Second term…except reach across the aisle and

become a Republican.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Two Points: Hurricane Sandy and the Election

A note: After blogging my feelings on this topic, Obama won the election. My final thought about the election is that it was allegedly an  overwhelmingly Fraudulent election by the Liberals, with no restrains on groups like the Black Panthers or NAACP thugs interfering with voters at the polls.

The United Nations Official were called in to monitor the voting activities of the States by the NAACP because they feared the Conservatives would use their "legal" means to vote; that is;
photo I. D.s.
In fact, the UN officials monitoring the USA elections were "amazed" by the "Lack of  I. D.s" by Americans. Attorney General Holder who sued States for enforcing photo I. D.s was called out by the United Nations for Unethical practices in voting procedures. 

I believe the Obama Administration "STOLE" the Election through unlawful means: Intimidation by Black Panthers and NAACP thugs at voting polls; Infiltration of Liberal voter inspectors who refused Conservative voter inspectors on sites where Obama won 99% of the vote.  

Before the Election: My thoughts of why Romney should have won...LEGALLY.

Liberal news stations Refuse to show the people in NYC Staten Island and Brooklyn who are cursing FEMA, Bloomberg and the President for leaving them without electricity, running water, sewage disposal, food and water for 6 Days. Fox News reported how Bloomberg had to LEAVE Staten Island when he Finally Showed up a week later; because the residents there Threatened his life...those people who had to guard their homes with knives and guns from looters for over a week WAITING for Bloomberg. On day One the Politicians started Congratulating each other on a FINE job during a press conference when they had not even recognized the majority of New Yorkers who had no FEMA contact.  One Brooklyn mother was on Fox News who said that she never thought the government would ever put her children's lives in such peril. For 6 days her building had few utilities. She heated her apartment by running her gas oven all night..the only thing working. No electricity all night leaving people afraid, fending for themselves..one girl was raped in that bldg. Feces in the darken stairwell because the toilets and electricity were not running for 6 days...NO FEMA in sight in Brooklyn..this is not the Appalachian Mountains.    The Democratic Politicians think that Hurricane Sandy helped them because Gov. Christi  gave Obama credit for Showing up on day One to say FEMA will be there...but now it's day 8 and no FEMA help has been offered to the POORER sections of NY. Obama  continued campaigning for his job, as if, there is no disaster.  It is Katrina all over again.   What blows my mind is that the Government doesn't have a PLAN knowing a week ahead of the STORM. They should have prepared like it was a War. There should be food and water airlifted into areas. Portable toilets and generators should be airlifted into those places with buildings still standing. Large facilities and Churches who are out of the Hurricane's path should take in the displaced. Boats should have been sailed out of the area..it wasn't as if they didn't Know the BIGGEST storm in a 100 Years was coming. The Military should be in Complete charge of disasters, not FEMA.  Jr.Senator from kentucky, Rand Paul said that we would have plenty of resources to help our own people, if we were not sending billions of dollars to Anti- American countries (Egypt and Pakistan) to bribe them.  Yesterday it was reported that 59 Polling booth had to be Moved out of the Hurricane devastated areas displacing Voters who are More concerned with finding food and water than a Relocated Polling booth....not to mention there is a shortage of gas for cars to even find a polling booth. Gas is also used for generators that heat homes.  The weather has turned COLD and people are freezing from lack of resources and it was reported on Twitter that Obama plans to Spend Election day "relaxing" by playing basketball with his high profile friends.  Why Obama should not win: In 2008, Obama had crowds of 80,000..today he barely got out 18,000 and that was because the crowd wanted to see Bruce Springsteen and Jay-Z sing. Romney's crowds are twice the size of Obama's without the big names. Fifteen (15)  major Newspapers who Endorsed Obama in 2008 Switched to endorse Romney. Some have Never endorsed a Republican candidate for over 30 years.  Black Christian pastors who once supported Obama have called Obama 'Judas' for supporting Gay Marriage which is against their belief. The Catholic church is suing the Obama Administration over the birth control issue.  Obama has betrayed and broken his promises to many of his own supporters.  In 2008, Obama's Teleprompter message was "Hope and Change." Now his Offscript subconscious messaging is of Revenge and Hate. Life is a Paradox.  "Hope and Change" becomes "Revenge and Hate." We can either Balance those feelings or we can Swing too far to either side of them at our own peril.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Your Vote Counts

OBAMA  said  this  week "  Vote  for  Revenge."

Romney  said   "Vote  for  Love  of  AMERICA."

How you vote is who You Are 
OBAMA  says  he  wants  his  Supporters
to  cast  a  Vote  for  "REVENGE."
while  ROMNEY says, he  wants  his supporters
 to cast  a  vote  for  " LOVE  OF  AMERICA."
 Question is:  
Will Obama's "Revenge" against  Other  American's
cast America into a
  Divided  America 
America's Strength 
Against  Our  Real  Enemies,
 Al  Qaeda ? 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

"It is time that we asked George Bush to step aside so that Obama can get his presidency going by Chuck Green

Unfortunately, I am preaching to the Choir, as the Democrats
 are Screaming hysterically at me, for fear Romney will win,
that they can't think straight. If I send this to them, they have
threatened to blow up my computer...LOL

Article by Chuck Green I thought worth repeating since
it's as factual as I remembering living it.

"It is time that we asked George Bush to step aside
so that Obama can get his presidency going.

Here's an opinion piece by Chuck Green who
writes "Greener Pastures" for the Denver Post
Aurora Sentinel...one of the more liberal papers
in the country.
Additionally, Mr. Green is a lifelong
Democrat...so this is rather a stunning piece...

Obama is victim of Bush's failed promises!
Barack Obama is setting a record-setting number
of records during his first term in office:
Largest budget ever. Largest deficit ever.

Largest number of broken promises ever.

Most self-serving speeches ever. Largest
number of agenda-setting failures ever.
Fastest dive in popularity ever!
Wow! Talk about change.
Just three years ago, fresh from
his inauguration celebrations,
President Obama was flying high.
After one of the nation's most inspiring
political campaigns, the election of America's
first black president had captured the hopes
and dreams of millions. To his devout followers,
it was inconceivable that a year later his administration
would be gripped in self-imposed crisis.
Of course, they don't see it as self-imposed.
It's all George Bush's fault !

George Bush, who doesn't have a vote
in congress and who no longer
occupies the White House, is to blame for it all.

He broke Obama's promise, to put all bills on the
White House web site for five days before signing them.

He broke Obama's promise, to have the
congressional health care negotiations broadcast live on C-SPAN.

He broke Obama's promise, to end earmarks.

He broke Obama's promise, to keep unemployment from
rising above 8 percent.

He broke Obama's promise, to close the detention
center at Guantanamo in the first year.He broke Obama's promise, to make peace with direct,
no precondition talks with America's most hate-filled
enemies during his first year in office, ushering in a new era of
global cooperation.He broke Obama's promise, to end the hiring of former
lobbyists into high White House jobs.He broke Obama's promise, to end
no-compete contracts with the government.

He broke Obama's promise, to disclose the
names of all attendees at closed White House meetings.

He broke Obama's promise, for a new era
of bipartisan cooperation in all matters.

He broke Obama's promise, to have chosen
a home church to attend Sunday services with his family by Easter.

Yes, it's all George Bush's fault! President Obama is nothing
more than a puppet in the never-ending failed Bush administration.

If only George Bush wasn't still in charge, all of President Obama 's
problems would be solved. His promises would have been kept,
the economy would be back on track, Iran would have stopped its
work on developing a nuclear bomb and would be negotiating a
peace treaty with Israel . North Korea would have ended its tyrannical
regime, and integrity would have been restored to the federal government.

Oh, and did I mention what it would be like, if the Democrats, under the previous
leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, didn't have the heavy yoke of George Bush
around their necks? There would be no ear marks, no closed-door drafting of bills,
no increase in deficit spending, no special-interest influence (unions),
no vote buying (Nebraska, Louisiana).

If only George Bush wasn't still in charge, we'd have real change by now.

All the broken promises, all the failed legislation
and delay (health care reform, immigration reform)
is not President Obama 's fault or the fault of the Democrat-controlled Congress.
It's all George Bush's fault !

Take for example the decision of Eric Holder,
the president's attorney general, to hold terrorists' trials in New York City.
Or his decision to try the Christmas Day underpants bomber as a civilian.
Two disastrous decisions.
Certainly those were bad judgments based on poor advice from George Bush!

Need more proof?
You might recall that when Scott Brown won the election to the
U.S. Senate from Massachusetts, capturing "The Ted Kennedy Seat",
President Obama said, Brown's victory was the result of the same voter anger
that propelled Obama into office in 2008. People were still angry about George Bush
and the policies of the past 10 years. And they wanted change.
Yes, according to the president, the voter rebellion in Massachusetts , was George Bush's fault.
Therefore, in retaliation, they elected a Republican to the Ted Kennedy seat,
ending a half-century of domination by Democrats. It is all George Bush's fault !

Will the failed administration of George Bush ever end, and the time for hope and change ever arrive ???
Will President Obama ever accept responsibility for something/anything?