Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Two Points: Hurricane Sandy and the Election

A note: After blogging my feelings on this topic, Obama won the election. My final thought about the election is that it was allegedly an  overwhelmingly Fraudulent election by the Liberals, with no restrains on groups like the Black Panthers or NAACP thugs interfering with voters at the polls.

The United Nations Official were called in to monitor the voting activities of the States by the NAACP because they feared the Conservatives would use their "legal" means to vote; that is;
photo I. D.s.
In fact, the UN officials monitoring the USA elections were "amazed" by the "Lack of  I. D.s" by Americans. Attorney General Holder who sued States for enforcing photo I. D.s was called out by the United Nations for Unethical practices in voting procedures. 

I believe the Obama Administration "STOLE" the Election through unlawful means: Intimidation by Black Panthers and NAACP thugs at voting polls; Infiltration of Liberal voter inspectors who refused Conservative voter inspectors on sites where Obama won 99% of the vote.  

Before the Election: My thoughts of why Romney should have won...LEGALLY.

Liberal news stations Refuse to show the people in NYC Staten Island and Brooklyn who are cursing FEMA, Bloomberg and the President for leaving them without electricity, running water, sewage disposal, food and water for 6 Days. Fox News reported how Bloomberg had to LEAVE Staten Island when he Finally Showed up a week later; because the residents there Threatened his life...those people who had to guard their homes with knives and guns from looters for over a week WAITING for Bloomberg. On day One the Politicians started Congratulating each other on a FINE job during a press conference when they had not even recognized the majority of New Yorkers who had no FEMA contact.  One Brooklyn mother was on Fox News who said that she never thought the government would ever put her children's lives in such peril. For 6 days her building had few utilities. She heated her apartment by running her gas oven all night..the only thing working. No electricity all night leaving people afraid, fending for themselves..one girl was raped in that bldg. Feces in the darken stairwell because the toilets and electricity were not running for 6 days...NO FEMA in sight in Brooklyn..this is not the Appalachian Mountains.    The Democratic Politicians think that Hurricane Sandy helped them because Gov. Christi  gave Obama credit for Showing up on day One to say FEMA will be there...but now it's day 8 and no FEMA help has been offered to the POORER sections of NY. Obama  continued campaigning for his job, as if, there is no disaster.  It is Katrina all over again.   What blows my mind is that the Government doesn't have a PLAN knowing a week ahead of the STORM. They should have prepared like it was a War. There should be food and water airlifted into areas. Portable toilets and generators should be airlifted into those places with buildings still standing. Large facilities and Churches who are out of the Hurricane's path should take in the displaced. Boats should have been sailed out of the area..it wasn't as if they didn't Know the BIGGEST storm in a 100 Years was coming. The Military should be in Complete charge of disasters, not FEMA.  Jr.Senator from kentucky, Rand Paul said that we would have plenty of resources to help our own people, if we were not sending billions of dollars to Anti- American countries (Egypt and Pakistan) to bribe them.  Yesterday it was reported that 59 Polling booth had to be Moved out of the Hurricane devastated areas displacing Voters who are More concerned with finding food and water than a Relocated Polling booth....not to mention there is a shortage of gas for cars to even find a polling booth. Gas is also used for generators that heat homes.  The weather has turned COLD and people are freezing from lack of resources and it was reported on Twitter that Obama plans to Spend Election day "relaxing" by playing basketball with his high profile friends.  Why Obama should not win: In 2008, Obama had crowds of 80,000..today he barely got out 18,000 and that was because the crowd wanted to see Bruce Springsteen and Jay-Z sing. Romney's crowds are twice the size of Obama's without the big names. Fifteen (15)  major Newspapers who Endorsed Obama in 2008 Switched to endorse Romney. Some have Never endorsed a Republican candidate for over 30 years.  Black Christian pastors who once supported Obama have called Obama 'Judas' for supporting Gay Marriage which is against their belief. The Catholic church is suing the Obama Administration over the birth control issue.  Obama has betrayed and broken his promises to many of his own supporters.  In 2008, Obama's Teleprompter message was "Hope and Change." Now his Offscript subconscious messaging is of Revenge and Hate. Life is a Paradox.  "Hope and Change" becomes "Revenge and Hate." We can either Balance those feelings or we can Swing too far to either side of them at our own peril.

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