Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Election: Obama's Second Term

During the election, I decided to take a break from politics and watch a movie.  I just happened to be watching a series about the MEDICI family history that took place during the 14th Century Renaissance period. It started out with the baptism of a baby and everything it took for that baby to come to power. Assassinations of rivals and corruption at the highest levels to keep power…then my husband called me from Saudi to say Barack Obama won the election ..and my first thought was…history repeating itself..

 Mitt Romney, the "Love of America" guy  vs   Obama the "Revenge" guy.

I thought about all the murders during the Obama Administration:
Fast and Furious, the Executive Privilege order to cover it up.
The Benghazi murders of 4 Americans 
swept under the rug by the Liberal media and Obama.

What Executive Privilege order will there be this time?

Then, I thought about the Medici family and the blood on their hands in order
to stay in power.

I thought about the Black Panthers and NAACP  thugs  at
the polling booths intimidating voters.
The lawlessness of their actions reported and ignored
by the voting supervisors.

"in the battleground state of Ohio: An election official confirms
 that the Hamilton County Board of Elections removed two election judges
 for allowing unregistered voters to vote."

 but not after they allowed thousands of illegal votes to be cast.

Every Second term President feels they have the authority to do as they please without approval from their supporters. Just like President W. Bush disappointed many of his supporters during his Second term "which provoked the longest period of low and downward-trending approval ratings on record"

But because Obama was allowed to disappoint his supporters
during his First term, I cannot even imagine what he will do
in his Second term…except reach across the aisle and

become a Republican.

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