I woke up this morning with all these random thoughts.
I have been wondering about the differences in my Republicans friends and my Democratic friends. Did I say I have Democratic friends? Had, for two of my best friends for over 30 years just wiped me off the face of their earth.
I grew up a Democrat. Very committed to that ideology on the far left, not really understanding what the left and right meant. I just wanted what our forefathers wanted for everyone. The freedom to be equal, but under a "Just" government. I wasn't a socialist or a fascist. And then came along the Libertarians.
I think I am all three now, combined into one.
When I was in college, I was so naive about elections that I thought the President of the United States never told a lie, or why would anyone have voted for them. I hate admitting this, but it's necessary to let you know where I am coming from and where I plan to go.
As I started to better understand the character of the Presidents: 'I am not a crook."- Nixon; " Read my lips: No new taxes."- G.H.W. Bush; "It depends on what the meaning of the words 'is' is." –Bill Clinton.
I wanted to vote for the one I thought would govern the best, no matter to which party I belonged. I realized my ballot was restricted to my party and I felt cheated by the governmental system.
Although a Democrat, I lived among Republicans. Republicans had no problem talking politics with me. We would have heated argument whether, in person or online and still have dinner later.
You could hear my Republican cousin and me, yelling at each other into the early morning hours, defending our party's ideals; only to wake up later to eggs and bacon, laughing at our differences. The Republicans never ignored me or hated me; although it was clear they hated my ideals.
Any continuously learning person changes their mind from time to time depending on the evidence or truth; as they see it.
The truth is another political hurdle. Who is telling the truth? How do we get through all the slanted news reports. Why are radio and television stations called Liberal and Conservative stations if the News Media is Balanced. I laugh when I hear one channel or the other, advertise that they are the best news program for fair and balanced news; whether it's CNN or Fox News.
I realize that they both distinguish their biases by their opinionated commentary programs which lean one way; all the while trying to be fair and balance during their hardcore News programing.
Fair and Balanced up to a point; that is, for they don't always report ALL the information to make a fair and balanced analogy.
Cherry picking is even popular in politics.
No one can tell a life long radical like me that the Democratic party has not changed, radically.
I can only handle so much blind loyalty; or is it that, I can't bare deception. There is just 'so much' of the truth that the Democratic Party can shove under the rug before someone trips over the hump it creates revealing the whole truth. How can any candidate belong to a church for 20 years and not be affected by the sermon?
The difference between Obama and me is that he heard the sermon of hatred towards America repeatedly for 20 years and never left the church until he ran for President of the United States in which it's uncouth to hate America; whereas, I only had to hear it once and I was gone.
Obama said that he was never in church, not one time, swear to God on my mother's grave, when his pastor gave sermons of hatred for America for 20 years.
I have seen people fall asleep in church, but this story goes beyond sleeping into unconsciousness; a lack of oxygen to the brain.
I have no doubt the white people abused and used the black people. After all I lived most of my life in the South. I don't blame the black people for being angry for the way they were treated, but I am a white woman. White women in a white man's world were not treated, always, as harshly as the black people; however, the black man DID get to VOTE before any woman was allowed in America.
".......1868 - Fourteenth amendment ratified. Fifteenth amendment passes
Congress, giving the vote to black men. Women petition to be included but
are turned down. Formation of New England Woman Suffrage Association.
In New Jersey, 172 women attempt to vote; their ballots are ignored....."
".....1920 - The Nineteenth Amendment, called the Susan B. Anthony
Amendment, is ratified byTennessee on August 18. It becomes law on August 26...."
giving women the right to vote. That's fifty-two (52) long years later.
The Boston.com, a Boston Globe article:
said it all:
".....And if the ample literature on bias shows anything, it is that, for all
the difficulties Americans have with race, it may prove that attitudes about
women are the hardest to change...."
Don't keep whining to me about being "Black in America", like the CNN liberals like to do by shoving it down my throat; all the while, pumping their 'half black, half white man' Obama up to the front line.
Why not Chinese or "Japanese in America," after all, they were put in prison camps during WWII in America. I don't hear them having sermons on hating America.
And if the liberals think they are so bloody fair and balance; why did they threw the experienced woman candidate: Senator Hillary Clinton under the bus for the immature; inexperienced black man.
Nothing fair and balanced about that decision. It was more about male vs. female; than about white man vs. half -black man. Everything about the liberals shouts racism. There is no fair and balance reporting when they make race an issue.
My Democratic friends are not as understanding and forgiving as my Republican friends. They are radically mad. I chose to vote for the candidate, not the party, because I saw the candidate for what he was and is and not for what the Liberal news media were so shamefully trying to make him be.
I feel the truth is in the eye of the beholder because everyone has a different perspective of what they witness. The Truth is there somewhere. A person can take all the facts; unfeelingly cold and hard, as if a forensic analogy; or they can take the facts and cherry pick them, to make it more personal; thus emotional. Politics is anything, but forensic science. It's extremely emotional.
Once I looked at the candidate and decided that I did not like any of them emotionally, I voted on the facts. I am not as emotional, as I once was about politics; although my family and friends won't agree because they see me breathing.
I don't socialize with any Democratic friends for they all deserted me. They could not bear the thought that I voted on the facts, instead of on my emotions for the party. I have a mind that likes to accumulate ideas to form other ideas and it is continuously changing. It does not stay stagnate.
The facts tell me that the candidate I should vote for will never run for a political office. The best man or woman will never win because they are never in the race. They are too honest, too saintly, to be in politics. Even if a saintly and peaceful candidate did win the election; we already know that even the Dalai Lama couldn't save his country; even if he prayed until the Yaks came home.
Which tells me that human behavior will always be contradictory in nature. The candidate I vote for will not be the same person after he or she wins. He will not remain the campaigning caricature of himself. He will become a contradictory character to his campaigning self.
After the election, Obama's campaign promises of 'Hope and Change' amounted to nothing more than a sermon. While in office he did the opposite - No Hope; but a big Change in political tactics that was more corrupt than previous administrations. A big change in policies, destroying the foundation of America by destroying capitalism. He wanted change to annihilation America as a super power.
Other Presidents also campaigned with broken promises such as President G.W. Bush who promised isolation, not war. Each with their own personal agenda once the vote is cast.
Did you hear that one New York judge allowed the voters to vote 6 times in one election?
"..PORT CHESTER, N.Y. – Arthur Furano voted early — five days before Election Day. And he voted often, flipping the lever six times for his favorite candidate. Furano cast multiple votes on the instructions of a federal judge and the U.S. Department of Justice as part of a new election system crafted to help boost Hispanic representation..." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100615/ap_on_el_st_lo/us_voting_rights_election
It took only one judge to change a legislative rule of "one person; one vote." Everyone has the power to change the laws of the land. The question remains: Who will you allow, through your vote, to change them?
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