Monday, July 5, 2010

Obama's Monarchy

"Give me liberty....." I think Patrick Henry said it best:

".... Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish?What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775

Upon this 4th of July day in the year 2010, please God help us to have the same courage as our forefathers. May we not forget by remembering and honoring those great men and women who gave us this great land of freedom that other countries either revere or abhor; and help us maintain our integrity by being loyal to their ideals.

" the price of chains and slavery" when Patrick Henry said these words referring to the British Monarchy's control of American's rights by overly taxing and regulating the people.

He could have been talking about Obama's Administration's take over of private companies without the will of the people. The people's monies from taxation used against their will to purchase the freedom of capitalism.
 To take over our freedom by which we rule ourselves through the majority vote.
The majority of Americans voted for "Hope and Change"not realizing that Hope and Change could mean anything. Obama 'hoped' he would win the election, so he could change the country to his agenda. It goes beyond broken promises when there was No promise. A wolf in sheep's clothing.
Yes, President Bush also lied by breaking most of his promises after he was elected. He promised 'no nation building'and then he went into Iraq, but Obama is going beyond traditional changes.
He is very unpatriotic. He is not a true American in the way of our forefathers.

By not reading the laws that were created to protect America and American citizens, Obama destroys the very foundation of our country. The foundation that has kept us strong all these years.

Obama, the Attorney General, and Home Land Security Secretary publicly propagandized their position to sue Arizona before they read the Arizona Immigration law that they opposed.
When the Mexico's President Calderon, came to the White House; President Obama stood by the Mexican's president's speech to condemn Arizona.
No true American President would support Mexico's illegal stance against an American State who is defending it's borders; but Obama does this repeatedly without having read the law and without any recourse from the public.  This blog below says it all:

Mexican President Felipe Calderon bashes Arizona’s immigration law from White House lawn
'...Finally, despite the high level of hypocrisy from Calderon, our own president who is supposed to have our backs, is out there joining in on the bashfest with Calderon. There was a time here in America when Obama’s actions would have deservedly earned him the title “traitor'.   

Obama promised to bring the country together; yet he boycotts a State of our United States: Arizona. Our forefathers must be turning over in their graves.

This propagandizing in the highest office of America is beyond comprehension.   The laws are being ignored by this Administration through ignorance or corruption.  Like Patrick Henry said:
       "...Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish?  What would they have?
       Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?"

 No American should tolerate such insolence toward our UNITED States. All the brave Americans are overseas fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. Where are they here?

I am beginning to feel that all that "hate" towards America that Obama heard from Reverend Wright in his church really did sink in after 20 years of attendance.  Obama is trying to enslave the very country that he feels enslaved half of his people...the other half being white. of course.
Just recently, the United States court dropped a case against the Black Panthers who were intimidating white voters at the polls during Obama's election. There is video tape of Black Panthers in uniforms at the poll booths with bully clubs. There are witnesses. A civil rights attorney who fought for voting rights for blacks in the South along side of Robert Kennedy said that this Black Panther movement is clearly against law and he had never seen such blatant behavior as this even when he was in the South with Robert Kennedy. However, Obama's Attorney General had the case against the Black Panthers dropped. Therefore protecting the rights of the abuser against the intimidated.
"Panther case dismissal needs explanation

How much more UnAmerican can a President become?

When presidents of the United States make promises to get elected and break those promises after they are elected; where is the power to throw them out before the damage is done? Perjury should be on the top of the list for dismissal. Perjury that goes against the law of the land, our Constitution, and the people of the United States.

Our forefathers created the separation of powers: legislative, executive, Judicial; in order, to create balance and fairness. When the Executive branch says that big business and wall street are corrupt and greedy and need to be controlled; the Executive branch then becomes the very greed and corrupt organization that it abhors by overriding it's own boundaries.

Every institution becomes greedy and corrupt with too much power.  What caused this environment of out of control corruption. It was the Legislative branch of government. If they had done their job by overseeing and maintaining the laws that protected the average person on the street, big businesses would not have run amok.

Instead, government's own lack of Legislative laws created the greed and corruption and now the Executive branch feels it has the power to take control over private companies by buying them out with taxpayer money. The people should own the company, not the Executive branch which has become our British monarchy much like, in the days of Patrick Henry.

An Obama Monarchy that controls the taxes and the private companies.

The more the government taxes the people; the less money there is for the people to prosper.
The government takes power over the people by creating false regulations to illegally tax individuals into poverty. Where is the balance and the fairness? Where is the Supreme Court?

It's one problem for a private company or person to be greedy and corrupt. People can choose to avoid them or take them to court.  It's quit another problem for the government to become powerful through taxation (acquiring of wealth) in order to control the same people they tax. Who will take the government to court for illegal practices.

I am sure a 100 years from now, our childrens' children will be studying our history in a lesson plan on  how fast our nation digressed from our original Constitutional beliefs in just 233 young years. 

Where is your Liberty Now?

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