Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Holy Smokes! I'm actually going to tell you how I voted.

I will vote to legalized state marijuana for personal use. After seeing hundreds of illegal aliens crossing the border from Mexico with bales of marijuana on their back; while thousands more are being executed by the Mexican drug cartel if they don't carry the bales; according to one Mexican who escaped execution; I would prefer my neighbors grow their own legally and cut down on Crime along the border.
Once it is legal, after a few puffs, a person will be less inclined to kill and more inclined to make love.
Yes, I know that doctors feel legalizing marijuana will only led to stronger drug use or mental illness; but if someone wants something badly enough, they will get it; that's why we have so much crime surrounding illegal drugs. 
The entire issue of using marijuana comes down to:  self-control or government control.

If the government really cared about your health, alcohol and cigarettes would be illegal.  Alcohol and cigarettes can kill; but they are also a good source of revenue for the very agency that legalizes it: our government. Once the government gets its hands on anything that is a source of income; they NEVER let it go. It would be like taking candy away from a baby....a very BIG baby.

On the 40th anniversary of Doonesbury, the creator said that he is very conservative now compared to his youthful days. I agree with that analogy in my case. Conservative, in the way of economical sanity.
As a young Democrat, I believed in voting with my emotions. Now that I am older, I vote with both my mind and heart.
My heart: for the ones who can't speak for themselves, like the dolphins and whales. 

My mind: when the National Debt is eating our retirement savings and I can't depend on the government to save the country or me. The National Debt Clock.

I am still liberal on most social issues that are backed by common sense.  Killing farm jobs in Fresno, CA by cutting off irrigation; in order, to save tiny fish for ecological purpose is not one of them.     Farm food vs. tiny fish?
     Instead of destroying jobs already in place that produce food; just create more jobs finding ways to divert the fish away from hazardous irrigation pipes. I am sure it's not rocket science. So you lose a few fish.   We lose a few people in tornadoes too.
 Nor am I in favor of the already spent 3.4 million 'stimulus' dollars to build a tunnel under the road for turtles, so they won't get killed by traffic. 
Whatever happened to the 'survival of the fittest?" The ones who learn to dodge. 
At least there will be one permanent government job created: the worker who has to guide the turtles through the tunnel.

I can hear my past, youthful voice, resounding in the voices of the youth of today. When a young   entrepreneur woman told me she refused to vote for Meg Whitman for governor of California because Whitman is against gay marriages. I asked her if she is gay.
She said, "no."
I asked her if she would rather vote on social issues rather than on economic issues? She paused for a moment, not knowing where I was going with this question. I said it's so easy when you are young to want to vote idealistically for the perfect candidate who will fulfill all your dreams, like the Wizard of Oz; only to find out later that a small person is behind the image.

For example: President Clinton created the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy for the gays in the military and Pres. Obama promised to change the policy to take the burden off the gays who service our country. Both Democrats skirted a Democratic idealistic way of life that got them voted into office. So who can you trust when you vote?

So I asked my young idealistic voter,  "if you are not gay, and you are an entrepreneur who is struggling for clients; are you going to vote for the candidate who is for gay marriage or are you going to vote for the candidate who will help your business grow?" She is still thinking.

I believe gays have a right to be married, but that is not my cause.
My cause is to vote to keep my retirement savings from being overly taxed; and to keep the government from stealing the inheritance from my daughters.
       ...because governmental spending is out of control.   

The dumbest thing I ever heard on the news was a Democrat arguing in favor of Pres. Obama's decision to let the death tax expire because she believes that the children of the decreased have no rights to their parent's money..
       she should go to the government, instead.   

I know, I had to clean out my ears, too!

           What are my guidelines for voting today?  
I voted for less taxes and less government which means no new measures that increases taxes.

I voted against transferring of taxes for one government department to another; for the same reason that our government raided, depleted and stole social security funds and used it for other than social security purposes.

I voted against a 'measure submitted to the voters" as  No. 23 which suspends pollution controls on companies until the unemployment drops to 5.5 percent or less.  
   If this 'measure' passes, unemployment will drop........from toxic fumes.

I voted for Republicans, Libertarians and Democrats who did a good job keeping my utility bills and taxes low; and I voted for candidates who will kick out the incumbents who didn't lower taxes.  
It's that simple when I consider that my daughters' inheritance has already gone to the turtles.

When I was younger, I voted, for the "Moonbeam" guy, Jerry Brown; for social justice in an idealistic world. Today I voted for Meg Whitman; for economic stability against a greedy government, even if Whitman is against some social issues.
Would you refuse to vote for George Washington or Thomas Jefferson because they owned slaves?  Life will always be full of paradoxes; so we are already screwed.

I will vote the way my forefathers would have voted to preserve the original ideals of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Because, even as, they owned slaves, they were as perfect as 'decision makers' could be for their Times for they created the universal laws in our Constitution to include all race and color
      for the purpose of protecting all American citizens from an over zealous government.

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