Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Importance of Being

Why this subject?

I was talking to a lady who told me that her husband is afraid of dying and we both laughed at how silly that sounded to us because we were not afraid of dying. Maybe, the way we die is frightening, but not death itself.

What is there to be afraid of? If God made us, we are just going back from which we came.

What makes life so desirable that we fear death? 
Our spirit has a desire to live in our body no matter how horrible life seems; when we find ourself struggling to hang on to that last breath of life.
I saw some suicidal statistics today. Most, if not all, survivors of suicide wish they had not tried to commit suicide. It was a desperate cry for help that did not come in time for many. It is a scary thing to be on the verge of death knowing at that instant you will leave behind all that you know based on fact; for everything you hoped for based on faith.

I just saw an interview with Philips Roth, considered a great American novelist, in which he says he does not believe in God. His whole existence is to himself in the here and now. Maybe, that's why he prefers to live alone and isolated in the woods. I understand that he draws his characters from reality and God is not a 'fact', but a faith. I wish him well. I don't think he is destine for Hell because I am
living in my own brainwashed mind by choosing to believe by faith in a God.
I don't mind questioning every aspect of it since it is a faith; and not a fact.

Should we be afraid?  If you are really evil then you know that there is always a possibility of going to a kind of Hell. Come to think of it, if Satan is in charge of Hell; you are in good company. If God controls the flames, then you are out of luck.

How can God send a person to Hell who kills someone or themselves if they were born detached from human love. How can He condemn babies born with one less or one extra chromosome. Where are the rules on going to Hell? 

We are reminded by the Bible that we are "made in His image" which means, to me, that our body and mind; our emotions are like His. And considering we are not perfect; He must not be perfect either and we have a lot to be afraid of, if God exists. 

God's commandment: Thou shalt not kill which is directed at humans for the purpose of not annihilating the human race, I assume; reserves the right to kill for Himself. And if killing is bad, then God is at the top of the list for being bad.
It's like a parent telling a child. Don't kill, but if I kill, it's O.K. 

Although, I feel I will see my love ones in another life based on "keeping the faith,"  this faith comes with fear.
There is only fear if there is a God because if there is nothing; than we can do what we want with our life without consequences.
There is no fear of dying by going into a nothingness. Just live life to the fullest now.

There were times I didn't think life was worth living. I could not understand why God planned such a hellish existence but that only pertained to my life. Once my daughter became mentally ill, I was all for living again, if only to save her life because I feel it's worth saving.  You ask: saving her for a 'hellish existence?' It's a real life based on facts compared to what we don't know in the hereafter.

I only hope there is more to our being in the way of a spiritual form than just this life on earth.

When I was very young, I thought God was like an Obama. You know that "hope and change" promise that never came.  I didn't vote for 'hope and change' this time around because I had learned early on that there is no hope for the life I had always dreamed about; but only change for the worse from what it should have been. It's a non-stop ride on a merry-go-round of every emotion known to mankind.

The original Garden of Eden. Whatever happened to that place? I think it withered away somewhere in Iran. That Lovely place where women get stoned to death.

How can I be afraid to die when fear is already here on earth?
What keeps us living are those real emotions we share with those we know.


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