Saturday, May 7, 2011

One Entity: God and Mankind?

 If God and mankind are truly "One Entity" as believed by those in this blog; then what are we looking for when it is inside all of us? 
Maybe, we are looking for a way  to  focus on our 'oneness;' keeping us from separation and  self destruction  within the matrix of which we are residing. 

I have to admit that I have not focused, and have forgotten where we come from, for I have read and always believed that we are one entity.
I don't believe that God is a separate entity somewhere in the sky.
I believe we all are extension of God that is infinite; although you can't tell by reading my blogs because I do feel separated, more by mankind than God. 

Maybe, that is because I am only able to talk to my guardian angels at a lower level of intelligence and communication. There are different levels of communicating within our oneness with God, as in the teachings of Kabbalha and Christianity. 

The problem is: When humans chose to think of mankind as separate entities, this is our disconnect in the world and our eventual destruction.

Just a few theories of Oneness with Infinity from the astrophysics to  religious interpretation 
  The scientists know that we come from the same matter, if not, the same spirit. It is fascinating to hear the Astrophysicist's explanation of exploding stars in the galaxies that created us.    
"The statement that we are all "star stuff," coined by the late astronomer Carl Sagan (not sure if this was before or after Joni Mitchell sang "we are stardust; we are golden. we are billion year old carbon"), is meant to imply more than that we are made of the same elements that stars are made of. Beyond that, the elements themselves (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc.) were synthesized, cooked up as it were, in the nuclear furnaces that are the deep interior of stars. These elements are then released at the end of a star's lifetime when it explodes, and subsequently incorporated into a new generation of stars -- and into the planets that form around the stars, and the lifeforms that originate on the planets.-- Michael Loewenstein and Amy Fredericks for "Ask an Astrophysicist"
The first thing we must address when writing an article about Quantum Physics, or any other highly technical subject is to define our terms.
What is meant by Evolution? When the Quantum Scientists talk about Quantum Evolution they discuss the classical Darwinian model of Evolution. They also use the words mutation and random mutations.
These are not my choice of words. I prefer the Spiritual Quantum Theory of Quantum Evolution and the word “mutation” in any form does not fit here.
Scientific Quantum Evolution discusses the structures of DNA and RNA, and coherence times. They speculate on the jumps in fossil records and speculative molecular processes.
 The point I am making is this: the workings of the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God and Nature are really quite simple. 
Man in his egoistic drive to believe that he is the highest order of intelligence in the Universe constantly complicates things.

Whenever a theory or a speculation about any thing leaves out the primary cause of all creation, a Prime Move, a Grand Architect of the Universe, or an intelligent Creator it is doomed to failure. 

Quantum-Evolution:  The Scientific Quantum theorists, engineers and professors should understand that just because man can do something, does not mean that he should go ahead and do it. Genetic engineering and the Atomic bomb are two inventions that come to mind.
If we could only learn to slow down our Scientific Quantum Evolution advances and our dangerous high technology race towards destruction. If we could
just get QUIET!And by getting quiet we would be able to hear the small quiet inner voice that is within all of us. This voice would tell us what “Spiritual Quantum Evolution” means.  
Since Quantum (Plural: Quanta) is the smallest unit of any physical entity we could say it represents the smallest particle that an individual soul could manifest into. 
Therefore “Spiritual Quantum Evolution” is about the Evolution of individual souls not physical matter.  

The true purpose or should I say destiny of a soul is to work (experience) itself back from whence it came. Back to God, it's beginning.
Spiritual Quantum Physics answers the three intriguing questions that have puzzled man from time immemorial.
Who are we? Where did we come from? And Where are we going?
Spiritual Quantum Evolution tells us we are all individual souls who have 'Blinked Out' of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God into a physical reality.  It is here on the physical plane, matrix or playing field of the Quantum Ocean that we experience life. It is here where we use these experiences to fulfill our individual destinies.
And that destiny is to evolve; to raise our levels of consciousness; to become more godlike with each “Blink Out' incarnation, until one day we can “Blink Back” into the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God and come out no more.
Leave our DNA alone. If these Scientific Quantum Evolution elitists want to evolve then let them evolve into “Spiritual Quantum Evolution Elitists.
”Let us never forget there is a big difference Kabbalah.....
    The truth is, you are God reading about God, in the process of God becoming God. But chances are you don’t “receive” that truth fully, because of how your mind, body, and heart work. The forms of Kabbalah can help you really receive the truth of this moment......
    •    A body of knowledge and practices that enable deeper understanding of the self and the universe.
    •    Kabbalah is rooted in the Jewish tradition, which speaks of the One in terms of “God........”

The Meaning of "God"
"For Kabbalists, the
visible world is only the superficial skin of Reality. Because of the way our minds are constructed to interact with the world, we imagine ourselves as separate selves, going about our business, trying to be happy. In fact, we, the stars, our friends and enemies, and everything around us — all of us are dreams in the mind of God. Nothing has any separate reality ....( trying telling this to Israel and Palestine) ...
From God’s point of view,
( as if, we really know God's point of view)
all of the distinctions we make — between ourselves and the world outside ourselves, among objects in the world, etc. — are completely illusory, because ultimately there is only the undifferentiated unity of the ein sof, the Infinite.....
essence of divinity is found in every single thingnothing but it exists.... Do not attribute duality to God. ...... If you suppose that Ein Sof emanates until a certain point, and that from that point on is outside of it, you have dualized. ....
.....God is that which Is — YHVH, one of the main Hebrew terms for this
Reality, might even be translated “Is.” God is not an old man; God is What Is."...

When Kristine was severely, mentally ill she bought many spiritual books.  Loving What is , by Katie Byron.  The Infinite is everything. It is the only thing. The author was mentally depressed for 10 years and then snapped out of it....if I remember correctly. She learned that whenever she got mad at someone for treating her a certain way; she would turn that angry thought around 180 degrees. Example: If she thought someone lied to her.  She would turn that thought around and say to herself: I am the one who lied.  In essence, it is 'loving what is." 

I think it could be another way of saying that when we walk a mile in someone else's shoes, we see life from one point of view, not separated. This consciousness brings us closer into that mindset of being "one entity," instead of separate entities; making us more like God. 

The question becomes. What is acceptable in this 'oneness' of good and evil. 
I once read in " A Conversation with God" in which it said: 
"Existence is essentially non dual in nature. At the highest level there is no separation between anything and there is only one of us; there is only God, and everything is God." 
I believe it means that God accepts all experiences because one does not evolve without the other. 
All life is a matrix of shared experiences: good, bad or evil within the 'One Entity.'
And yes, I am still confused because it is soooo above my head.

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