Friday, May 20, 2011

Where I Will Be....

Where I Will Be

I could elaborate on our National Debt: Obama forgiving Egypt's billion dollar debt to us, in order for Egypt to rebuild their infrastructure. Never mind about our debt and infrastructure.  
I could talk about the conflict in the Arab world,  like I care.
I could talk about "men behaving worse than bad": Dominique-strauss-kahn  and Arnold Schwarzeneggar. The news is already fixated, around the clock, on these topics; except for the ones that I find fascinating.

The topics that are not of this world or will lead me away from it....

How long will I live?
Just this week, I heard that it might be possible to let a person know how many years they will live, naturally; if they don't get hit by a bus.
Your Blood Could Tell How Long You'll Live ....."Your blood could serve as an indicator of how long you'll live. ...the test measures the length of a person’s telomeres, structures found at the tips of a chromosome, which apparently directly reflects the person’s lifespan.The test, however, can’t give an exact lifespan in months and day. Instead, the length of the telomeres correlates to how fast a person will age biologically--the longer the telomere, the longer the lifespan......"

After I told my husband this, he said that he would never want to know how long he would live because he would get very depressed during the last year; I, on the other hand, would want to know. 

If I knew how long I had to live, I would not procrastinate so much, I would arrange my life more orderly knowing there is a due date I would decide not to waste time with people I don't care about. I will probably become very rude. I will probably start saying things like: "I don't have time for that; get out of my way, I am in a hurry, I only have a few minutes left."
I still would want to know, when I die, because I procrastinate a lot. I tend to give up on what I really want to do, in order, to do something that I don't want to do:  pick up trivial stuff around the house that my family leaves lying around or dusting?  I don't really dust because it's just the remains of dead people lying around, waiting for another star burst to happen.  But I would be dusting, if I didn't have a part time maid hired, specifically, for dusting, because I don't like spiders.

I don't foresee death; only a transformation from this body into the next body, whatever that will be. It's a continuing journey.

 And if it wasn't for my imagination believing that life continues in a positive way, 

I would be severely depressed living on this planet with all the barbarians running around killing everyone, including their own people. The lack of justice at the highest level in our own country: financial crooks either being appointed to our government; or not being prosecuted by our government: robbing American citizens of their life savings through sheer theft. Since this world is not improving.....where will I go?

The Creation 
"The statement that we are all "star stuff,"...we are made of the same elements that stars are made of... These elements are then released at the end of a star's lifetime when it explodes, and subsequently incorporated into a new generation of stars ... life forms that originate on the planets...."
Of course this topic is way above my head....So my imagination tells me...
that within that star dust from which we come, my body will turn back into dust, and lie around my house; 
And the energy from within that dust will live on in another form, creating new life, just like a dying star:
"A new image of the nebula NGC 3582,....shows giant loops of gas that resemble what you would see for New Year’s Eve; "however, there probably isn’t much joy in that sector, as these loops are believed to be emitted by dying stars. What’s interesting is that new stars are also being born in the same area, so this makes it a stellar nursery, as well as a stellar cemetery"....    
And those celestial bodies full of life ....that is where I plan to be...once I get my Due Date.

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