Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Americans are Exceptional Immigrants

Bill Maher, the liberal, atheist,
comedian, made a statement
on his show that Americans
need to "get over feeling
that they are 'exceptional.'
Obviously, Maher, doesn't
know the definition of an
As a comedian, he is
very funny, being so illiterate.

People who want to be
politically correct on
this subject of 'American
 exceptionalism' have no
idea how America evolved
 because they are completely
 illiterate when it comes to
 American History.
Worse, they like arguing from
an illiterate point of view.

There are Americans who
 believe that America is a
 country that was created
 by God to be exceptional.
There is a good reason for this attitude.

First, America is the strongest so
called "super power" that is built
 from the ground up by "immigrants."
We are the "melting pot of Exceptionalism"
because the laws and principals established
 by our forefathers, kept all cultures and
 races in America, equal in the mainstream
of commonality by learning English and the
American Constitution.

Our differences made us stronger than any
 country on earth. We have fought
together side by side in two great
world wars to free other cultures
from genocide; and free other
countries from hostile evasion.
When American soldiers first
landed in France during WWII,
they were still fresh from having
 just completed boot camp. The
 French had been fighting a
German army unit that had
 evaded one of their towns.
The could not kick out that
 German occupying military
 unit, no matter how many
times they tried. The French
balked at the idea that a bunch
 of American green "mutts"
could do the job.

(I don't think the
French knew that
inbreeding damages the brain.
 That is, keeping the blood
line pure really has the
opposite effect on the brain.
Life's little paradox).

What the French
could not do in months
of fighting in their own
country; the American
mutts did in a few days;
 kicked out the Germans
in that small French town.
The ingenuity of a
combined immigrant
force under one Nation:
the United States.

What is important to
remember is that our
forefathers  insisted upon
all immigrants
"assimilating into the mainstream"
 when they came to America;
 in order to strengthen the nation.
I took a college history course
 on the assimilation of
immigrants into the American mainstream.
Yes, it was brutal for some (American Indians)
 and easy for others (Asians and Europeans).

This subject should be taught in
every high school because our
nation cannot survive without
bringing together all immigrants under a common interest.

People trying to be politically
correct by rejecting "English"
as the national language of
America are just that:  Political.
  Being political "Divides"
 the common good of the nation.

Just last year, German chancellor Merkel,
  said that our American forefathers
got it right by forcing people who
 chose to become citizens of a
country, must assimilate into
the mainstream of that country's
 basic principals and values in
order for the country to survive
 by bringing different cultures
 to the table for the common
good of the country.

When people are not taught
 how to live together under a
 common Language and Constitution;
 they kill each other.

The Chancellor realized
 their own mistake when
they allowed another
 culture to live in German
 without assimilating;
that is
they were not required to learn German,
they were allowed to live together in one area
practicing only what they brought
 with them from their old country.
It was enough separation
of the different cultures
within the  host  country
to cause nationwide unrest.
Saddam Hassan had three cultures
 in Iraq who did not peacefully
assimilate after his death:
Kurds, Shitis, and the Sunni.
Saddam tried wiping out the
 Kurd culture in his country
 because they were not considered
 valued citizens, only occupiers
 of northern Iraq.

America does not deny immigrants,
who chose to become citizens,
their heritage or cultural
richness that they bring to America.
Their  homes and communities
can practice and share the best parts of their heritage.
It's what we teach in our schools
 that should bring us together.
 Learning to speak English.
Learning the American Constitution.

People who are here to change America
 from what made it great in the first place,
 think we should be more like Europe
 which is presently sinking into the abyss
 of financial woes because of socialism.
If you want a "failed society" (Europe)
collapsing because of it's unsustainable,
government controlled, budget;
you should move there.
"Socialism—defined as a centrally planned economy in which the government controls all means of production—was the tragic failure of the twentieth century.
- Library of Economics.

I dare say that anyone who doesn't
 believe in American Exceptionalism,
also, doesn't think like an American
because he was never
 taught the value of becoming an American;
 An Exceptional Immigrant.

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