Friday, June 29, 2012

Obama's Exploding Cigar: Gift from Justice Roberts

Fear not about the Ruling from the Supreme court.
 Like one former Attorney said: The Supreme
Court handed Obama a cigar, but it's an "exploding cigar."

 Fox News has been running videos all morning
 of Obama from 2008-2009 in every interview,
 including the State of the Union Address in
which he repeatedly told the American people
 that this mandate will not raise taxes
on one single American, in fact
it will LOWER everyone's Taxes."  

When Obama's lawyer argued before the
 Supreme court, he could not get the Court
 to agree on passing the Obama Care mandate
 as a "Commerce Clause," so he proposed a
 "Tax" which is the opposite of what Obama

 Every Household who
marks their IRS form "No health insurance"
will be TAXED now according to
Obama Care and the Court.

When CNN kept repeating that the Republicans
 had no Health plan, a congressman/ doctor
told the CNN anchor that CNN is spinning that idea which
is not true. 

Republicans had and have a plan. They
wanted insurance companies to compete
across state borders  so
 everyone can look for
cheaper insurance nationwide. This is
not included in the bill. 
Also, Republicans wanted a cap on what
Lawyers can sue doctors and other medical
companies to bring down the high cost of doctor's
insurance rates;  but Obama refused to touch either idea.

Everyone knows that the Obama bill was behind closed doors
 with back room deals, without Republicans.

The Obama bill included ideas which the
 Republicans wanted to keep, also:  a
  "Per-conditioned" clause to protect individuals
 with per-conditioned illness.

Obama supporters who thought that Obama Care was
free will be shocked to learn that Obama lied to them
and that they will be taxed if they don't pay for health insurance.

Remember when the Senior, former President, Bush said:
"Read my Lips, No New Taxes."  

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