Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Progressive- NeoLiberals: A Dying Breed.

In answer to Protesters and Progressive-Liberals who don't think Ivanka Trump should profit from her relationship with her father, and much more.

Every President gets wealthy after being the President. Obama's called their good friend Branson who owns his own island and they asked to vacation there without cost. Obama's moved to the Beverly Hills of Washington D.C. When did he become a Millionaire? Bill Clinton got paid over $500,000 a speech in countries when Hillary was Secretary of State negotiating American policies in those countries. Before she was Sec of State, he got $250,000. It is all documented, not hearsay. Ivanka is small fry compared to Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

On Protesting against a Democracy:
When I say Progressive are acting like fascists:
Your comment: "Fascism implies a 'one-party totalitarian state' to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond to economic difficulties."
That is what the Progressive-Liberals are trying to do by shutting down "free speech" at Universities (Berkeley, NY, etc). Protest by destroying property other than their own or preventing anyone speaking who disagrees with them,
in order to be a 'one-party' totalitarian state fighting against an "elected party" that they disagree. A president who won in accordance to America's Democratic Election rules.

Congressional Democrats are not negotiating in Congress; they are not showing up to debate anything. They are in complete destruction mode of destroying the American Constitutional Legislative process that gives ALL Americans justice, not just the Far Left.

Do you think the Republicans liked Pres. Obama and his Iranian Muslim Brotherhood buddies in the White House? Valarie Jarrett and Susan Rice were Iranian sympathizers and in top National Security positions. Muslim Brotherhood is a known terrorist organization. Egypt kicked them out of Egypt. They believe in stoning women. Did you see Republicans rioting and burning down businesses because Obama won the Election?

Liberals should chose their enemies more wisely.
If Muslims attack this country, they will castrate gays and hang them up by their heels. This is done in Muslims countries without punishment to the abusers. How many "peaceful "Muslims are brave enough to fight their own extremist Muslims? We don't see massive parades of Muslims protesting in the streets against Muslim Extremists or ISIS, do we? For that matter we don't see ANY Progressives-Liberals protesting the most extreme abuses on mankind.
The Women's March in Washington D.C. 2017, actually had a Muslim woman leader organizing part of the march. She believes in Shira Law. What's up with that? She isn't fighting for Women's Rights in Muslim countries. Under Shira Law there is "honor killings." Men have the right to kill a woman relative (drowning, stoning, shooting, etc) if they feel she disrespected the family. Meaning, as simply as, being seen with another man who is not related to her. How often are women in Iran stoned and not one Muslim or Progressive speaks up in her defense without fear of retaliation. In Muslim countries there are over 20 million young girls who were genitally mutated because it's a 'custom' performed by Muslims to keep their daughters from enjoying sex with the man they are forced to marry.

If we are attacked by a Muslim country, the Progressive Liberals with all their far left, out spoken, attitudes will be the FIRST to be Beheaded by Extremists whose beliefs are polar opposite to Everything the Progressive Liberals believe. Wake Up.

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