Monday, April 17, 2017

Paradoxical Behavior of Trump and the Media

When Trump was running for President of the United States, I often thought of him as Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
The whole family, including his exes supported him and thought him a good man; in spite, of all the horrible things he said about women and others.
Do you believe the family who sees him doing good things, or the horrid character who throws less fortunate people out of their home to build a parking lot; justifying this behavior as bettering the lives of those forced to move?
Democrats and some Republicans felt that they didn’t have to try very hard to defeat the dumbest
campaigner who offends women, soldiers, Latinos, immigrants and the disabled.
It makes me laugh now since I was a Never Trump advocate.

Yes, Trump is unpredictable. He takes action when you don’t think he will.
He throws people off by his exaggerated ridiculous comments leaving people wondering if he really believes what he says.
He stands by those words although he shows no proof. As President, he should know more than the common man on the street considering he has all the advisors and experts at hand.
Some people want to think he is too stupid to last; but, even they doubt what knowledge they have to contradict him on some security issues.

So now that we understand that the President of the United States is not a Saint; we can go from here.
To say that Trump contradicts himself, it seems the entire news media is contradicting themselves by talking out of both sides of their mouth.

Listening to Trump’s talking points most people thought he was in bed with the Russians.
Then Obama left the office allowing underlings access to classified information making it easier for Obama loyalists to leak information to the public. Everyone wanted an investigation into Trump's connection.
When Trump attacked Syria, Russia’s partner, Liberals and the Media said that Trump was ruining our relationship with Russia.
Which is it?  He’s their friend or foe? And the investigation is ongoing?

This is beyond imaginable that a former President can
skate through the halls of justice without a scratch; even as Americans stand by and watch the full scope of corruption playing out from the Obama Administration.

Being a Never Trump advocate didn’t mean I was rock solid against Trump if he would change for the better. Most people are calling Trump out for a reversal on a promise he made from his campaign, as if they preferred the Old Donald’s rhetoric when he was campaigning. For me a reversal is good, as I never liked the campaigning Trump with his degrading rhetoric.

So lets get some perspective on what’s important from a "bigger picture."

I started trusting Trump’s decisions, only when, he nominated the brightest, more experienced patriotic people to cabinet positions. In serious matters, instead of his own egotistical, highfalutin rhetoric, he started listening to his cabinet members.

Everyone was worried about Hillary Clinton being a hawk and taking us into war; so some, I guess, voted for Trump because he said he wanted to be more of an isolationist.  It’s hard to be an isolationist when you are nominating military officers to cabinet positions. That should have been the first clue after he was elected.

Second, we don’t choose the world we live in, it chooses us and we have to deal with it.
When the Media is in the weeds analyzing Trump’s every comment on Twitter without looking at the “big picture” they lose and so do the American people.

Trump went to the White House with a vision that wasn’t realistic when he ran for office. His supporters believed all the hype; just like Obama’s supporters believed his hype on the campaign trail. One of my best friends, a Democrat, refused to talk to me for years because I would not vote for Obama. After 8 years of Obama’s “hope and change,” she said she would give Trump a chance. I am sure she voted for Hillary, initially.

There must have been a reason Trump chose military officers to help build up our country, the polar opposite of what Obama was doing in demasculinizing the military, and forcing political correct rules. What politically correct military can fight an “unconventional” war against extreme Islamist?  Yet, the Media, Never Trumps, Liberals are freaking out when Trump drops a BOMB?

Obviously no one is paying attention to history. They don’t remember WWII when America was “shoved” into war,  just like we will be shoved into war if Russia, Syria and Iran are allowed to conquer the Middle East.  Like Hitler, they will not stop until they conquer America, the Grand prize. “Death to America” and “God Damn America” were obviously Obama’s secret chants since he seemed to be aiding and abetting those that chant it.

WWII Japan, like ISIS now, were 'suicidal killers.' Some people think Japan would have surrendered without the bomb.
If Generals are telling their soldiers to kill the enemy through suicidal means, it is not realistic to think the Japanese, anymore than ISIS, would have laid down their weapons.

While the Media, Liberals and Never Trump people are in the weeds of debating Trump’s actions on reversing his decisions and authorizing a bombing of ISIS in Afghanistan; the “big picture”
is that Trump knows he is not the smartest man in the room and depends on the expertise of his military officers who learned the lessons of war throughout history. Even if the Dalai Lama were the world leader there will always be an appetite for war.  To compete, to conquer someone or something will never end.  It's in mankind's DNA.  Even the Liberals like destroying other people's property when they don't get what they want. So much for brotherly love.

Unlike Obama, whose ideals were in “transforming America” into a fantasy land of politically correct soldiers like the ones crying in Iran, after they were captured; no thanks to Sec. Kerry whom I heard
called his Iranian friends to say we had missing sailors at sea. They abetted our enemies in disgracing our soldiers through their PC rules of engagement. What is there to debate when the former Commander-in-Chief humiliated our military.

Hell, drop the bomb. If you want to live in a "safe zone" you won't find it in Iran where they chant "death to America."

Whereas, Trump’s unrealistic ideals of ‘isolation’ during his campaign are in direct opposition to the actions of dropping a bomb on our enemies, he is smart enough to reverse his idealistic desires, unlike Obama, to the real world situation, that was given to him if he wants to Keep America, not only great, but safe.

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