Thursday, May 20, 2010

CNN Liberals and Fox News Conservatives

As a once bleeding heart liberal who watches a lot of Fox News these days, I try to see both sides of the issues. The more I switch back and forth between CNN and Fox News, the more I cringe at the thought that I only watched liberal news.  I am hoping the news media was not as bias as they appear to be today when I compare all the information between the conservatives and the liberals.  I came up with enough analogy to give me whiplash.  Try to keep up or you'll get whiplashed too.

I know I was a bleeding heart liberal in the 1970's and 1980's because I was always on the verge of over throwing the government;  if  I could only find someone to babysit.  There's a lot to be said about motherhood, especially after WWII when the men came home from war and tried to get the wives back into the kitchen, out of  the work force.  It reminds me of  "The Taming of the Shrew."  But I digress.
I did understand the liberals, but I don't recognize them anymore. I don't identify with spreading the wealth with someone who doesn't work as hard as I do. I don't identity with groups of people who feel they are entitled to government assistance at every turn in the road. I do believe in government laws that would keep society from discriminating against minorities or majorities; in order, to help everyone find a job to sustain a livelihood.  I won't rule out legalizing prostitution and marijuana if you really enjoy it. Obviously, that's the liberal in me talking.

I copied below this bit of information for a website that sounded interesting only because I hear repeatedly that the Obama Administration is pushing Progressivism , but  'economic elitist'  progressiveness in my view.

Whose Interests Does Progressivism Represent?
Progressivism is a political movement that represents the interests of ordinary people in their roles as taxpayers, consumers, employees, citizens, and parents. To coin a phrase, progressivism champions government "of the people, by the people, for the people."Given this mission, one might expect all democracies to be made up predominantly of one or another Progressive parties. Unfortunately, this isn't the case.
Why Aren't All Democracies Progressive?
 Progressive "Economic elites emerge in every society and invariably seek to promote their own interests, all too often against those of taxpayers, consumers, employees, citizens, and parents. By definition, economic elites enjoy greater wealth, and therefore influence, than the ordinary citizen, and they typically attempt to exploit these advantages politically, using them as leverage to obtain still greater wealth and influence. And since the desire for wealth and power is rarely satisfied, there tend to be recurring cycles of concentrated political and economic power, together with the corruption that always attends these. One such cycle of corruption was seen in the United States around the turn of the 20th century, culminating in the economic crash of 1929. At the turn of the 21st century, the US is in the midst of another."

I don't understand a liberal who would vote for a "economic elitist" unless dressed in a traditional Progressive sheep's clothing; anymore than an American Indian understood a European who came to America to conquer him.
I tried the American Indian's proverb:  walk a mile in another's moccasins, but the Indian could no more dress up in European fine clothing and pretend to be a barbarian; than a European aristocrat could dress up in a bear skin and pretend to be civilized. 
Meaning that the Indians (Liberals)were taken by surprise by the brutality of the evaders (Economic Elitists); because they were wearing refined clothing and had wonderful table manners.  The Indians having learned the hard way, I think it's wise to follow the Arab proverb instead:  keeping your friends close; and your enemies even closer.

Liberals won't stand down. They are promoting negative diversity to stir the "black pot"because they want sympathy for their black messiah.The Liberals never refer to Obama as half white. God Forbid, the black people knew they voted for a half white president.
It reminds me of a religious group that told me how they converted backwoods heathens into believing that Jesus existed. They showed them a picture of  Jesus.  One heathen said:  Jesus must have lived. Look !  Here's a picture of him.

Still choosing the heathen's point of view by playing the Obama race card, the Liberals are again trying to increase their popularity which is sagging in the polls due to the 'egg on their face' after they promoted their long awaited messiah which never materialized. The sheep's costume is unzipping or malfunctioning to reveal the truth about this administration's progressive agenda.

CNN blindly supported Obama; then they called the Tea party crowd racist and nonessential.  LOL.  The same Tea Party crowd that is whopping their ass at the voting polls.  Another LOL moment.

Why do I watch Fox News? For one: Fox News reported that TIME magazine; the one I canceled last year after a 20 year subscription, did not show one Tea Party movement  in their 100 best moments of the year.  They showed a dust storm photo that showed only the dust, as if that never happens every year in the Middle East.  TIME  magazine and CNN news completely ignore the Tea Party gatherings that stretch across the U.S.A.  As if they were God and had the power to erase them off the face of the planet if they just ignored them. What planet is the Liberal news media on? They can stick their head in the sand; but their derierre is still showing and that's the part everyone sees.

A couple of weeks ago the stock market dropped over 1000 points when Greece declared bankruptcy.  Followed by the announcement that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) of Europe would bail out Greece, the stock market jumped back up to over 400 points.  I was watching the liberal news channel as it reported the good news of the stock market bouncing back from it's free fall.  I am sure everyone watching the news on that channel were elated and thought " all is well" in the land of Obama. 

On the other hand,  Fox's conservative view said that the good news of the rise in stocks comes with a price tag.  The conservative reporting on that day continued to elaborate on the finer details of why the stock market rose and then eventually fell again.  Obama promised the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 17 % of  the funds to bail out Greece. That's 17% of American taxpayer money. The money we don't have to pay for the National debt that we owe to China with interest.   Never mind the Greeks are socialistic and their unions are demanding higher pay and killing any innocent bystander who stands in their way of retiring at age 55 with full benefits.  Our tax dollars support this kind of human rights activity? 

Obama administration sends monetary support to the Greek's socialistic self-destructive government at the same time he is condemning Arizona for protecting their borders from illegal Mexicans; ignoring the kidnappings and murders by saying the number of crimes committed by illegals in Arizona are down.  That's positive.  I hope you know I am being sarcastic.

Obama repeatedly re-enforced the same rhetoric today on the White House lawn standing next to the Mexican president in front of the Press Corp. He said that the Arizona law is "misguided"; in support of the president of Mexico's comments that Arizona will treat Mexicans unfairly. Naturally, the Mexican president does not want illegals thrown out of the United States because the illegals  send  U.S dollars back to Mexico.  DUH, that's a no brainier.

Not only does Obama attack the rights of American citizens while ignoring the crimes of foreign entities; he sends his appointees out to propagandize his ideology.  National Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and the U.S Attorney General Eric Holder both openly campaigned against the Arizona Immigration Law without having read the law. Their ignorance of the law televised at the congressional hearings this week.  They obviously don't know the Arizona Law is based on the Federal law; the one Attorney Gen. Holder has some jurisdiction over and should be using to control the crimes on the border, protecting American citizens. Instead, he is threatening a lawsuit against the American citizens who need protecting. 

Congress has yet to ask Obama if he read the Arizona law. He obviously has not read the law or he would know that Arizona is not treading on the right's of legal citizens when stopping them first for breaking a law; and then, asking for identification.  Obama would know that the Federal Law is more strict and does tread on the rights of everyone as they can stop anyone they suspect as being illegal and ask for papers before a crime is committed; unlike the Arizona Law. Why does the media fall for these obviously poisoned Obama  stories?

Remember the 'beer summit' Obama had after he threw the white cop under the bus before Obama knew the facts about the case. 

The conduct is Obama's politics, as usual, to control the message to the public by giving the illusion of ethical values. This Administration and Liberal news media encouraging the propagandizing of 'untruths or half-truths' upon ignorant viewers.  They do it all in the name of justice even though they never read the law; starting from the top of the United States legal system with the U.S Attorney General.

It's Anti-American to create an environment of adverse cultural diversity within the United States by pitting illegal criminals against legal immigrants/American citizens; race against race.  The Liberal and Progressive Economic Elitists of this Administration repeatedly demonstrates Anti-American sentiments by supporting foreign governments whose countries are self-destructive. Who wants to live in Greece or Mexico today?  Yet, this Administration is sending our money in support of their crimes; instead of protecting Americans.
Being liberal to me does not mean becoming so free I throw out the law that protects the rights of American citizens.

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