Saturday, May 15, 2010

Good News vs. Bad News

Since I report on the bad news, I might as well report on the good news. Remember that saying: When we don't get any news; it's good; because we only hear the bad news.

Of course that is not always true. Some people want to give you the good news to rub your face it in; but then it's not good news, for you, anyway.

This good news is in the celebration of life. Some of our friends who are diagnosed with cancer are getting great reports: one through chemotherapy which deduced the size of his pancreatic cancer; and the other, having the cancer removed completely through surgery. It was kidney cancer. They are getting better. There must be a lot of people praying. I know they are spiritual and most of all they are good people to have around.

Maybe God is balancing out good and evil after all. Watching the daily news which is often bad news is stressful and dooming; especially the economy. It 's like watching the murder of America taking place. The American witnesses stand by watching; all the while waiting to vote for reform to see justice play out.

This would be as if a murder were occurring on your watch while you stand by and do nothing because you have to wait until the law enforcement show up; the murderer goes to trial and Maybe, just Maybe, they are found guilty; that is; voted out of office. But like the murdered victim (America), it's already too late for her because there is no intervention or coup to save her life; but only Crime and Punishment which we see daily in the Congressional Hearings.
Gee, I wonder if my phone will be tapped?

This has always been my philosophy that "care takers" should run the country, as they think
"preventive measures." Mother's, dad's, doctors, nurses and anyone preventing something terrible from happening. I hear and heard too many times in the work force:  Don't worry about a foreseeable problem now. Wait until something terrible happens; then we will fix it.  Just like the oil spill. Just like the bankrupting of America.

Above the sad news of the death of America; at least there is some great news from friends who are celebrating their life of recovery levitating our spirits.

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