Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Random Thoughts.

This week Kim's doctor said that he found and removed two benign looking polyps during his colonoscopy. Kim wasn't expecting any since he has been on a cancer free diet regiment since his first colonoscopy 7 years ago when benign polyps were found and removed.  The doctor said that polyps are like moles. I already felt that polyps were like extra cell growths; like moles. Some are bad and can kill you.

The older I get, the more vitamins I take while eating healthier, I notice a new tiny mole here and there on my body and I think: What the hell? Cells are still growing on my body even as I age? Maybe I am eating too healthy and providing too many nutrients to my body and it doesn't know what to do with it, so it keeps producing more cells. I have heard that extra vitamins are wasted because the body discharges them; obviously not all of them; as that mole is not growing on air.

It's Mother's Day and Kim made cappuccino coffee for me. I got flowers from my daughters ( Kim ordered them and the girls wanted to know what they looked like when they called).

I still made Kim's veggie juice as he is too slow for me.  I like to get it done and get out of the kitchen. I prepare all the veggies the night before and in the morning, stick them in my larger mouth juicer which is faster and sounds like a saw cutting down logs. It took awhile to get over that frightening sound of a rapid, cutting blade.  Every time I pushed the vegetables into the funnel towards the blade, I thought about the movie, "Fargo." The criminal started; but didn't finish grinding up his partner in the tree grinder; leaving one leg sticking up from the top when the sheriff pulled up. 

And although, Kim's smaller juicer is easier to clean; it's slow going with it's pestle and mortar grinding method.  I don't know if it's worse listening to a saw mill grinding up supposedly human parts or listening to the screeching ungodly cries of a leafy green chard as it squeezes its way through Hell.

Juicers should be labeled: Ways to Torture Vegetables. Do we know if vegetables feel pain. I am sure Obama would give me a multimillion dollar stimulus government grant to figure this one out.

In the meantime, Kristine and Kathleen called all week regarding Mother's Day. Kristine always sends gifts and spends too much money, but she always remembers special occasions. Kathleen usually sends gifts too late or not at all.  In Kathleen's defense, I tell them to save their money (or our money). A phone call would be nice. The point being, if she calls, it's the same as a gift.  I don't want to hear that she is 'going to send a gift' after the due date.

I am sure the day I tell Kathleen her gift is in the mail late; will be a rude awakening for her. Do unto others as they do unto you, always shocks the hell out of the other person because they have no clue what it feels like to be treated the way they treat others.  But on the flip side, everyone responses differently. What may hurt one person's feeling; may not hurt another's. One never knows.

And speaking of doing to others; I had to cancel a lunch date with a friend. She immediately told me how sad she felt about my canceling our date for I had never canceled on her before.  Although, in the past, she had always made me feel bad by canceling at the very last minute, just as I was about to walk out the door to meet her; if only because she changed her mind. It suddenly dawned on her that this is how a person feels when they are dumped. Unfortunately, it took a long time for her to realize this action of inconsideration.  I always tried not to treat her the way she treated me all those years.

To go against our natural grain to learn a lesson or prove a point is hard to do.

Here goes another Mother's Day. I don't feel any different from the day before. I still have the same body and mind I had yesterday, although it was appreciated today.

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