Monday, November 22, 2010

Why Men Are Afraid of Women: the Sarah Palin issue

I have never in my lifetime seen so much hatred directed at a politician or private individual who is not a sitting President; as I have seen towards Sarah Palin and her entire family.

A woman for God's sake.

The Liberals have become completely insane over her and a few Republicans too.
The fact that Republicans, like Carl Rove and Barbara Bush say unkind things about Gov. Palin makes me think these people are just afraid of a WOMAN.

We already know most men are terrified of women; if only because they have learned so much from them; more than they can handle or care to know. Women seem to be more afraid of other women than men. What's up with that? What planet am I on?

That's probably why the Muslims keep their women under wraps. The main reason women have to cover themselves in the Middle Eastern countries is because the men cannot control themselves to look upon a woman's body; so they punish the woman for their own weaknesses.

I am sure once Eve ate from the apple and pointed at Adam's penis; he looked down at it, in wonder, at what she saw. How could he let her have all the knowledge and not him.  He had to see what was into eating that apple also.
And to this day, he is still afraid of what else Eve might teach him. Although, she gave him a
rigid look at life; and in his youth; that is, all he dreamed about.

When a woman gives birth to a baby boy she chooses not to kill him; unlike the men, who chose to kill all baby girls in China; in order to control them; and the Muslim men, who choose to stone girls to control them.
It's the men who are mad.  Mad with fear.  Fear of women.

Let a woman, like a Gov. Sarah Palin be President; and let men see if it feels just as good now; as it did then, in the Garden, where Adam discovered there was more to life than fruit trees.

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