Friday, January 7, 2011

The Holidays 2010-2011

I have a number of subjects I would like to talk about, obviously to myself since no one wants to join in, the one sided conversation, I am having with myself on this blog.

Our Christmas in the Kerry home was quiet and nice. Everyone enjoyed family time.

Kathleen did make my necklace in the design I requested, two symbols: ankh and woman.  I was impressed that she got it done by Christmas. After reading one of my blogs about herself, she reminded me that I always give her a harder time than I do, to her sister.
My excuse is: she is like me in nature and I know she can do better, if she applies herself.  Like most young people today: they put too many things on their plate and they either: never finish it or do it half-assed.

I remember many people in my life who had higher expectations for me, than I had; and some of them handed me opportunities that I didn't take because I did not have the same expectations they had for me.

Her first attempt at making jewelry out of metal is good considering the parts of the metal pieces that she had already soldered together, kept melting apart, while she was heating up the other part of the necklace. She made cufflinks for her dad.  A necklace of a heart and crown that her sister really likes.

My eldest, did all of her needlepoint on time for Christmas day. She did some book markers and framed initials for her dad and me. She never did bake for the holidays, although that is going to be her profession. Go figure.

She started her pastry classes this week and made cookies every day, including these on her first day.
Tomorrow are Lemon macaroons.  I will be on a cookie diet this month.

While my husband and I were in Montana our daughters stayed home. A frightening thought, since they had always been combative; especially when it came to clothes.

This time they went shopping together. Finally, they are communicating and getting along. I never understood why they fought; although, they explained it to me a hundred times; I never had a sister, so I wouldn't know.
I am sure this new found sisterly bonding; however, loosely the bond maybe, and the lack of understanding, they still have of each other; comes with the dynamics of mental illness and maturing.

Before we left the house, I was concerned about them arguing, so I said to my oldest: I don't want you two killing each other while we are gone. Upon which she responded in a serious tone: Mom, only 4% of schizophrenics commit murder. I am not one of them.
I busted out laughing.

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