Saturday, March 12, 2011

Telling All?

It's been on my mind: Telling all that I know.

That would take about a minute and a half.
I am bringing this up because it seems to be a comment I hear from others about my blog. It always makes me laugh; although, at the same time, I am perplexed by their analogy. 
I wonder how some people can categorize my blogs as "telling all" when they don't know all that I know.
Telling all to them, I think, means that I am telling more than they would.
The BIG fear, mainly from the men, is that I will blog about private conversations we have had or personal problems they have that I know about.
The question is: What does telling all entail. 
Maybe we should just say: telling all, up to a point.
No one remembers everything they saw or did even if they were inclined to tell everything they know. 
Telling all means something different to everyone. It depends on how private a person wants to be compared to everyone else around them. Some people don't like to tell their age. Others don't mind telling their age, but are classified as someone who " tells all" by those who don't.
I think it could be the degree of confidence one has in oneself; or the degree of trust one has of others. All these issues coming together to reflect on how one wants the world to see them.
Since I have never been able to project myself, to actually see what others see; I have no clue how the world sees me; therefore, I am what I am.
Telling all for me comes from the kind of person I thrive to be: one that is true, first and foremost, to myself; without intentionally hurting others in the process.
What would be the point of trying to please others when everyone has different opinions and values in life. Of course, I try to make my friends and family happy, up to a point.
All my sins are already known to God so I have no need to tell others. 
I have no need to gossip about others; to try to make myself feel better about myself.  I like who I am. The best part of liking myself: I know I am not perfect and I know I will not try to be perfect because the pendulum will always swing back in the opposite direction. 

My blog: Thomas Jefferson's Hypocrisy 
"When we try to be too perfect; we find that the pendulum swings in the opposite direction with equal force, making us too flawed.... 

Life is a paradox.   
For every lighted side of an object; there is a dark side. 

What I have learned by reading 
An American Sphinx: 

Thomas Jefferson:  In order to be as good as I should be with little hypocrisy in my life; I must keep my pendulum from swinging too far out in either direction.  
I will  neither  be extremely good; nor extremely bad; but only mediocre." 

When someone appears too good; you know they are hiding some demon inside them.  No one is that good.
We all have our fantasies and dark thoughts. I remember telling my husband about one of my fantasies years ago. He was so shocked; he didn't want to hear anymore. 

I would never in a million years want a fantasy to come true because it would never cross over into the real world with the same thrill; and, although, I could tell you about my fantasies;
 you would have to go into therapy, afterwards.  

When I don't tell all  it's because it would serve no purpose to tell all, other than terrifying you, knowing every thought that went through my head.  It even terrifies me: what goes through my head.

When I blog, my intent is to educate, inform and entertain; nothing more or less.
I blog because we each have a different perspective of life because of our life experiences.
I am not embarrassed of what I say about myself on the Light side. 

I would be mortified to tell you about my Dark side; and since, I am not trying to win a Pulitzer prize by going there; I am content to have my pendulum swing as close to the center as possible; without swinging too far to the good side nor too far to the bad side which means to me, that I will not 'tell all' that I know.

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